Bit By Dog Making Delivery To House For Work MN Lawyers



Minnesota law holds the owner strictly liable if their dog bites or injures someone. There are only two exceptions: (1) If the person who was attacked or bitten was trespassing, or (2) If they provoked the dog.

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Dog Attack Delivery Person MN Compensation Lawyers

A dog bite lawyer in our office got a call today from a dog owner. The dog owner felt he should not be responsible after his dog bit an Amazon delivery person. His reason was that he had posted a “beware of dog” sign. Therefore, the owner of the dog believed the delivery person should be more careful. In other words, the delivery person assumed the risk of a dog bite by going on the property to deliver the package.

Fortunately, Minnesota law does not support that dog owner’s position. The delivery person was not trespassing. In fact, the owner requested the package to be delivered to her house. And the delivery person did not provoke the dog – he was just minding his own business and delivering the package. In that scenario, the dog owner is absolutely responsible if the dog attacks or bites someone delivering for their job. Again, the law in MN holds the dog owner responsible, even if there is a sign posted.

Of course, it’s also sad that the dog owner felt that way to begin with. The dog owner ordered the package and asked to have it delivered to his house. Therefore, he knew the package was coming. Why not lock the dog in the house or keep it on a chain away from the door?


Our lawyers have had many cases where the dog owner tries to avoid responsibility after their dog attacks or bites someone. Fortunately, the dog owner rarely gets away with it. If you were attacked or injured by a dog while you were making a delivery, call us and speak with a lawyer for a free consultation. Our lawyers represent postal workers, Amazon and UPS deliverers, and many others.

We will explain your rights to you and make sure you are fairly compensated by the dog owner’s homeowners insurance. In fact, you are entitled to compensation in addition to your companies workers compensation coverage. Our attorneys have 25 years’ experience with hundreds of dog bite/dog attack cases throughout Minnesota. In addition, we never charge anything unless you receive compensation.