We recently saw this article on and thought we should pass it on. Our MN dogbite lawyers handle many cases every year where a homeowner or dog owner lost control of their dog, and the dog bit or injured someone. Here is the article:
It turns out that not only are dogs biting the postal worker — they’re biting a whole lot of other people, too. And, more than ever, their owners are being made to pay for their dogs’ indiscretions.
Dog-bite claims against consumers’ homeowners insurance policies rose by 5.5 percent last year. That was a record 17,359 dog bite cases. In fact, dog bites accounted for more than one-third of homeowner insurance liability claims. A whopping $483 million in payouts was made for dog bite injuries, a study by the Insurance Information Institute found. The average cost per claim for a lawsuit was nearly $28,000. California had the most claims. However, New York’s cost the most, at more than $43,000 on average, the institute said. (Our dog bite lawyers have helped a few clients get compensation of over $1,000,000. Of course, those were really terrible injuries.)
Still, most people don’t even make a claim after a dog bite or try to sue. The Institute, the education arm of the insurance industry, noted that 4.5 million people are bitten by a dog each year. Of those, 885,000 required medical care after the dog bite or dog attack.
States Have Different Rules Regarding Homeowners Insurance For a Dog Bite
The American Pet Products Association says there are more than 83 million dogs in U.S. households. The chance of a dog biting can cost you or your homeowners insurance. There is a cost even if your pooch has never bitten a soul and never will. Owning pit bulls and other breeds that have been labeled as dangerous could prevent homeowners from even getting insurance, the institute said.
Depending on where you live, laws about the owner’s liability for a dog bite can very. The institute notes that in some places, any time your dog bites someone without provocation you’re legally responsible. In other locations, liability depends on whether you had a reason to know the dog was likely to bite. For example, due to breed or past behavior, or you were negligent in how you failed to control the dog.
The Institute also noted that increasing losses to dog bite claims means some insurers are making dog owners sign liability waivers. In other words, they won’t cover dog bite situations.
Interesting article. FYI, Minnesota is one of the states that hold the dog owner responsible if the dog bites or attacks someone without provocation. Therefore, having homeowners insurance that covers a dog bite in Minnesota is a good idea. Homeowners insurance will defend the dog bite lawsuit and pay the settlement.
Pam Rochlin and David Rochlin are personal injury lawyers in MN with 25 years’ experience. Our attorneys have successfully helped hundreds of people with dog bite cases. We get full and fair compensation from homeowners insurance for our clients after a dog attacks. Every year, our best lawyers represent children, workers, and others bitten by a dog or attacked and injured by a dog.
An experienced dog bite attorney is important to help deal with complicated medical and homeowners insurance issues. Most importantly, we make sure you are fully compensated for the injury by the dog owner’s insurance. This includes compensation for scars and future treatment. When you call our office, a dog bite lawyer will explain the homeowners insurance to you and whether you can sue or make a claim for the dog bite.
If you have been bitten by a dog or injured by a dog and would like to speak with a lawyer, you can meet us at our offices in Edina Minnesota, Minneapolis, St. Louis Park, or Woodbury. One of our top dog bite lawyers can also meet you at your home in St. Paul Minnesota, Forest Lake, Roseville MN, Brooklyn Park, or Brooklyn Center. Also, Lino Lakes, Anoka MN, Maple Grove, Plymouth, Rogers, Chanhassen, Chaska, Apple Valley, Richfield MN, Bloomington Minnesota, Lakeville, Burnsville, and other cities throughout Minnesota.
We will provide you with a free consultation and answer your questions about a homeowner’s insurance claim or lawsuit for a dog bite. In addition, we never charge anything unless you are compensated for your injury.