Our car accident lawyers handle many rear-end accident cases every year. These crashes have different causes. In most cases, the accident happens because the other driver was distracted. Everyone knows about the problem with cellphone use in the car. However, there other distractions as well. For instance, the “infotainment” system is very distracting. We have had several of cases where the driver was adjusting the music or setting the GPS. If traffic slows ahead, there can be a bad rear end crash in just seconds.
Another frequent problem, of course, is when the car behind you was following too close. Again, when traffic suddenly slows, the driver fails to react in time and causes a crash. It is really a poor excuse to blame the crash on traffic stopping ahead of you. The driver is responsible for leaving enough space and keeping control of their vehicle. Traffic can always slow. That is why you need to keep some distance between cars. You are required to know this before passing your driver’s test.
A rear-end collision can cause significant damage and very serious injuries. For one thing, most car’s airbags don’t go off when they are hit from the rear. That leaves the passengers more exposed to injury. In addition, of course, the collision is usually completely unexpected, so the passengers cannot brace for impact. It is common to sustain a neck injury from a rear-end accident. However, our lawyers have seen many different types of injuries depending on the severity of the impact. In fact, we have handled a number of death cases caused by a rear end crash.
If you have been injured in an auto accident, call us for a free consultation. Our best car accident lawyers will discuss your case and answer your questions. The insurance companies are not your friend, and sometimes need an experienced firm hand to do everything they are supposed to. Pam Rochlin and David Rochlin have more than 25 years’ experience representing injury victims throughout Minnesota. We know how to deal with a rear-end accident injury. Our primary focus is to make sure you are treated fairly and get the compensation you are entitled to.