Our car accident lawyers handle cases involving St. Paul teenagers. Today, the Pioneer Press reported that three St. Paul teenage friends were in a cash while driving to school. At about 7 a.m., they turned left from westbound Highway 96 onto Old Highway 10. Unfortunately, they were suddenly struck by a vehicle traveling east on 96. One of the girls went to St. Agnes School before transferring to Mounds View. The girls were traveling on westbound Highway 96 and were about to take a left at the Old Highway 10 stoplight. At the same time, the vehicle that struck the teenagers’ car was traveling east on Highway 96.
The tragic deaths of these teenage girls remain under investigation by the Ramsey County medical examiner’s office. In addition, the cause of this St. Paul auto accident is under investigation by the Ramsey County sheriff’s office. The Minnesota State Patrol is also looking into the case.

Our car accident lawyers represent many teenagers and their families after this type of crash in St Paul MN. While the cause of this car accident has not yet been determined, we know that teenagers are often risky drivers. Unfortunately, teen drivers do not have full appreciation of potential injury from a car accident. The laws in Minnesota have gotten more strict with respect to teenage driving, but there are still many injury car accidents like this St. Paul crash every year.
When a teenage driver or passenger is injured in an auto accident in St. Paul or anywhere in MN, the consequences are often especially tragic because they have their whole lives a head of them.
If your teen has been injured in a car accident in St. Paul MN, call us and speak with one of our best lawyers for a free consultation. Our car accident lawyers have more than 25 years’ experience successfully representing people injured in a car accident in St. Paul and throughout Minnesota. A top rated lawyer will explain your rights and make sure you and your teen are treated fairly by the insurance companies. We focus on medical bills, future needs, and pain and suffering.
Our car accident lawyers are tough, but provide personal attention to our clients. Also, we do not charge anything unless you receive compensation for your injuries. A top car accident lawyer will meet you at your home in St. Paul or the surrounding area, or our office in Woodbury.