Our attorneys represent people attacked by a dog. Of course, this includes being attacked or bitten by a Pit Bull. A Pit Bull is a class of dogs that includes the following breeds: American pit bull terrier, American Staffordshire terrier, Staffordshire bull terrier, and American bulldog. In addition, any other pure bred or mixed breed dog that is a combination of these dogs. Weight and shape can vary significantly among pit bulls, from 35 to 100 plus pounds.

The Pit Bull attack cases our best lawyers handle in Minnesota are often serious. However, many people wrongly believe that Pit Bulls and Bulldogs are more dangerous or prone to attack than other dogs. In fact, our dog attack lawyers have not noticed that Bulldogs and Pit Bulls are a high percentage of dog bites. Really, any dog can bite.
The dog bite cases our lawyers have handled include Bull Dogs. However, have represented people bitten or attacked by many different dog breeds. Based on our experience, it seems to have more to do with the temperament of the individual dog and the situation.
However, whether a Pit Bull bites more frequently than another dog breed is not the point. The issue is the serious injury a Pit Bull inflicts when it does bite. The Pit Bull attack cases our top rated dog bite attorneys handle often involve very serious injuries. The Pit Bull’s “hold and shake” bite style causes severe bone and muscle damage. This often inflicts permanent and disfiguring injury. In fact, once a pit bull starts an attack, physically violent or firearm intervention can sometimes be the only way to stop it.
Our top MN dog attack lawyers have learned that the blood sport of “bull baiting” began over 1,000 years ago in England. Bulldogs were reportedly first mentioned by name in 1631, referring to their function rather than a distinct dog breed. By 1800, and through further selective breeding, the bulldog developed into a compact muscular dog with tremendous jaw strength. This is part of the reason being bitten by a Pitbull can result in so serious an injury.
Due to public outrage, bull baiting was banned in England in 1835. Bulldog breeders and owners then moved to the sport of “ratting,” where a number of rats were placed into a pit and wagers were made on how many rats the dog could kill in a certain time period. To increase agility, quickness and prey-drive in the bulldog, ratters crossed the breed with terriers. Essentially, it was the sport of ratting that combined the bulldog and terrier into the modern-day Pit Bull Terrier.
On the heels of ratting, dog fighting developed. Pit Bulls and dogfighting were exported to America as settlers made their way to the New World. In 1884, the American Kennel Club was formed, but rejected Pit Bulls due to their use in dogfighting. In response, the United Kennel Club was founded in 1898 to bring formal recognition to the Pit Bull Breed.
When a non-socialized or poorly trained Pit Bull attacks a person, the injury inflicted may be catastrophic. Our dog bite lawyers have seen many of these cases. Through selective breeding, pit bulls have developed enormous jaw strength, as well as a ruinous “hold and shake” bite style. This was designed to inflict the maximum damage possible on their victims and deliver winning results in the fighting pit.
Pit Bull dog aggression is unacceptable for two reasons: In many instances it leads to human aggression. A common scenario is the following: A loose Pit Bull attacks a leashed dog being walked by its owner. The owner gets seriously injured trying to stop the attack. Many of the cases our MN dog attack lawyers have handled involve a person trying to stop a fight between two dogs.
Leading Pit Bull education websites, such as Pit Bull Rescue Central, encourage Pit Bull owners to be responsible and to always carry a “break stick.” That is a tool used to pry open a pit bull’s jaws — in case their dog gets into a fight. These same websites also warn that using a break stick on any other dog breed may cause serious injury.
If you have been attacked by a Pit Bull or a Bulldog call our office and speak with a top MN lawyer for a free consultation. We have more than 25 years’ experience successfully representing people who have been bitten by a dog or injured by a dog. MN law is very strict in holding the dog owner responsible for any injury caused by their dog.
Our dog bite attorneys make sure your medical bills are paid by the Pit Bull owner’s homeowners insurance and you are fully compensated for your injury and any permanent scars. We are usually able to settle the case with the insurance company without having to sue the dog owner, but sometimes a lawsuit is required. If a Bulldog or Pit Bull has attacked you, you can meet with a lawyer at our offices in Edina, Woodbury, Minneapolis, or St. Louis Park. Our dog bite lawyers will also come to your home in Chanhassen, Burnsville, Albert Lea, St. Paul MN, Roseville, Forest Lake, and Lino Lakes. Also, Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center, Maple Grove, Plymouth, and other cities throughout Minnesota.