Our best dog bite dog attack lawyers are frequently asked that question. The answer is yes, the dog owner is still responsible even with a “beware of dog” sign posted. The law in Minnesota is that a dog owner is automatically responsible if his dog attacks or injures someone. The only exceptions are if the person bitten was trespassing or provoked the dog. For example, a mail carrier or pizza delivery person who is bitten by a dog has a claim, despite the beware of dog sign.

Laws concerning dog bites vary from state to state. Some judges in civil dog-bite cases have ruled that a “Beware of Dog” sign suggests that the homeowner knew that the pet was dangerous. Therefore, the dog owner should take all precautions to keep the dog away from people coming onto the property.
In Minnesota, the law is clear. A dog owner is responsible even if such a sign is posted. However, sometimes our best dog bite lawyers also investigate the possibility of punitive damages against the dog owner. A beware of dog sign may be an indication that the owner knew the dog was dangerous and should have done more to protect people from the dog. In other words, if you own a dog that people need to beware of, you should confine the dog when you invite people onto your property. For example, to make a delivery or to visit.
Not surprisingly, a judge is more likely to allow punitive damages if evidence shows the dog had bitten someone before. It’s also worth noting that many cities and counties across the nation require a canine to be euthanized if it has two or three bites on its record.
It might be wise to replace your current signs with a less-threatening “Dog on Premises” placard. This can be purchased for $5 or $10 at most home improvement or hardware stores. Doing so will alert visitors that you have pets on your property without suggesting that the dog may maul them.
If you are injured in a dog attack, or a dog bit you, please call us for a free consultation with a lawyer. Our top dog bite MN attorneys have represented hundreds of people bitten by a dog. In addition, you may be injured by a dog another way. For example, being pushed down. We have been handling these cases for 25 years. The primary focus of our dog bite lawyers is to make sure you are fully compensated for the attack. This includes medical bills, lost wages, and future medical care. In addition, there is compensation for pain and suffering and scars.
You can meet a dog bite lawyer at our offices in Edina, Minneapolis, St. Louis Park or Woodbury. A best dog bite lawyer will also come to your home to discuss your case in St. Paul, Brooklyn Park, Mankato, Anoka, Duluth, Roseville, Chanhassen, and other cities throughout Minnesota.