Our lawyers represent families after a family member is killed in an accident. The family is faced with a range of emotions – grief, shock, disbelief, numbness, oftentimes anger. Worse still, the family may be facing serious financial fears, especially if it is a parent who is fatally injured: “How are we going to pay for the funeral?” “How will we survive without her income?” “How can I raise my kids without him?”
When a family member – whether a spouse, a child, a parent – is in killed in an accident, there are potential resources for obtaining compensation for the wrongful death of that person. Our lawyers can help with a fatal car accident in MN or a defective product, semi truck accident, etc. When you call our office, an experienced attorney will help right from the beginning.
Our fatality attorneys have handled cases where someone has been seriously injured or died because of a motorcycle accident, car accident or because of a semi truck. Also, cases involving a defective product, slip and fall, and others. We understand that the loss of a family member is a tragedy that no amount of money will ever replace. However, we work hard to obtain some measure of justice and fair compensation for the family. We want to help the family members who are suffering and will be left with this permanent loss. Our lawyers have represented families in Minneapolis, St. Paul, and throughout Minnesota.
If the family member was fatally injured because of another person’s negligence, the survivors may be entitled to money compensation through a wrongful death claim. This includes fatal car accidents, motorcycle accidents, and other situations. MN law allows compensation for the loss of companionship, comfort and guidance of the family member who was killed. That is in addition to the loss of income caused by the death of a husband or wife. There is also the loss of “services, protection, care and assistance” which the family member had provided to the family. Of course, expenses for medical care that was given for the accident prior to the death, and reasonable funeral expenses, must also be included.
When there is a MN fatal accident, our top lawyers work hard to make the insurance company fully understands the seriousness of those losses. Many of these types of compensation are available if your wife or husband is fatally injured in a car accident in MN, or some other way. The same compensation is available if your parent or child is killed in a car accident or some other way. There can even be wrongful death compensation for the loss to adult children if their mother or father is killed. Likewise, for the death of a sister or brother.
Our best MN attorneys will explain these fatal accident claims to you during your initial call to our office.

Social Security benefits may be available if the husband or wife or parent who is killed in an accident. The primary requirement is that they have worked at least one and one-half years in the three years before their death. For more information on who is eligible for benefits and what amounts can be obtained, see You may be entitled to Social Security Benefits in addition to any wrongful death settlement against the party that caused the death.
If you have lost a family member in a fatal car, motorcycle, or truck accident, or other type of accident, please call us and speak with an attorney. We will more fully explain your rights to you. At a minimum you may have the right to Social Security benefits. However, you may also be entitled to wrongful death compensation from the insurance company of the person or company that caused the accident.
Pam Rochlin and David Rochlin are Minnesota personal injury attorneys with more than 25 years’ experience. We have successfully handled hundreds of fatality and other injury cases through settlement or by suing the party responsible. Pam was a former partner at Meshbesher & Spence, and offers small firm attention to her clients.
A fatal accident lawyer can meet with you to discuss your wrongful death case at our offices in Edina, Woodbury and Minneapolis. Our attorneys will also meet people at their homes to discuss an accident case where someone was killed in St. Paul, Rogers MN, Elk River, Maple Grove, and Brooklyn Park MN. We also come to Chanhassen, Chaska, Anoka, and other cities throughout Minnesota. A lawyer will provide you with a free initial consultation. Further, we never charge anything unless there is compensation paid to you and your family.