Were you injured in an accident? If you need a lawyer for your injury, we can help.
After an accident injury, several issues must be considered. First, who pays the medical bills? The answer to that question depends on how the accident happened. For example, if you were injured in a car accident, your auto insurance pays the first $20,000 of your medical bills. With a car accident, no matter who was at fault, your own auto insurance pays the initial bills. However, beyond $20,000 in medical bills, it does matter who was at fault in the accident. That is why you may need a lawyer for your injury.
Similarly, if you were injured on someone’s property, you may need a lawyer for your injury case. When an accident occurs on someone’s property, they are not automatically responsible. It depends on whether the property owner did something or failed to do something that caused your injury. Our injury lawyers have handled hundreds of different property cases. Many cases involve a slip fall or trip fall. However, we have handed gun accident cases, explosion cases, and many other situations.
Our lawyers also handle many cases involving a dog. Of course, a dog bite is common. However, there are also many situations where a dog injures a person another way. For example, where a dog jumps on a person and knocks them down. A lawyer for injury can be very important in those situations. Of course, the dog owner is responsible for any injury caused by their dog. Minnesota law if very strict in that regard. However, the insurance company wants to pay as little compensation as possible. Our lawyers make sure you are treated fairly.
Pam Rochlin is a top Minnesota injury lawyer. If you have been injured in an accident, call us for a free consultation. An attorney will answer your questions and protect your rights. Our focus is to get you all appropriate compensation for your accident injury. In fact, we never charge anything unless you receive compensation.