Do I need a lawyer?


If you have been injured in an accident that was another person’s fault, you should consult a personal injury lawyer. You may be entitled to compensation, and you should at least learn your rights. However, it is important to consult a MN injury attorney who is experienced with Minnesota’s specific injury laws. Our top rated personal injury lawyers have over 25 years’ experience. We have helped hundreds of people injured in an accident. An attorney will provide you with a free initial consultation to explain your legal situation.

If you have a case, our personal injury attorney will make sure that YOUR RIGHTS are being protected. The insurance companies (even your own insurance company) are looking out for their interests, not yours. It is the insurance company’s goal to pay as little as possible on every claim.

There can be many different issues that require compensation after an accident. For example, medical bills and lost time from work. However, some compensation issues are more difficult. For example, difficulty performing daily activities, or permanent scarring.

If you are injured in an accident, a lawyer will make sure you are treated fairly. Studies done by the insurance companies themselves show that people with lawyers get much more compensation for the same type of injury than someone without a lawyer.


Obtaining greater compensation is only one of the reasons to hire an injury lawyer. There are often many legal forms to be filed after an accident – which can be very confusing. There are also certain legal deadlines and rules that must be met to pursue an accident injury claim. These deadlines are specific to injuries that occur in Minnesota, i.e. every state is different. Additionally, you may be obligated under your health or disability insurance policy to pay back some or all of your medical bills or other payments from your settlement. See also, How To Get Medical Bills Paid.

For these reasons, and many more, it is always best to at least consult a personal injury attorney after being involved in an accident. If you have been injured in an accident, you are welcome to call us and speak with a top injury lawyer about your case. Our best personal injury lawyers MN will provide you with a free consultation. We will answer your questions. Plus, we never charge anything unless you receive compensation for your injuries.

You meet with our lawyers in person to discuss your accident injury at our offices in Edina, Woodbury, St. Louis Park, and Minneapolis MN. If you have been injured in an accident, an attorney from our office will also meet you at your home in St. Paul MN, White Bear Lake, Forest Lake, Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park, and Anoka MN. Also, Rogers MN, Plymouth, Maple Grove, Chanhassen, Chaska, Burnsville, Apple Valley, and other cities throughout Minnesota.