Our lawyers represent people given the wrong injection of medication at a medical hospital or clinic. Typically, in those cases, the doctor prescribes the correct medication, but the order is not filled correctly. However, sometimes the doctor enters the wrong medication in the computer.
Here is an example of one case a medical malpractice lawyer at our office handled. In this case, the doctor entered the wrong medication by confusing two very similar sounding medications.
Our client was seen at the clinic, requesting a Depo-Provera shot for birth control. She told the medical clinic that she had started a new relationship and had difficulty remembering to take birth control pills at the same time every day. Therefore, she wanted a different birth control method that would work better for her. Depo-Provera is a shot given every three months for effective birth control.
Unfortunately, instead of ordering a Depo-Provera shot, the doctor mistakenly entered an order for a Depo-Medrol injection. Depo-Medrol is an anti-inflammatory drug, typically used to treat pain and swelling from arthritis. This error was not caught by clinic staff. The nurse came in to administer what was believed to be the Depo-Provera shot but was instead Depo-Medrol. The nurse did not double check to see what she was injecting prior to administering the shot.

Our client was told to return in three months for a second Depo-Provera shot. Because she wanted to make sure that she continued to be protected, she made an earlier appointment, just to be safe. She returned to the clinic, seeing a different doctor because her regular doctor was booked for another few weeks.
As is protocol, the nurse asked our client for a urine sample, and a pregnancy test was performed before giving her the next shot. Shockingly, the pregnancy test was positive for pregnancy. Our client was stunned and initially could not wrap her head around it. As it sunk in, she started hyperventilating and crying hysterically, asking how this could possibly have happened. She explained to the nurse practitioner that she had been told to wait two weeks before sexual intercourse and that she had waited over a month just to be safe. She couldn’t understand how she could be pregnant when she had done everything right.
The nurse Practitioner then explained what happened. The doctor had mistakenly clicked on the Depo-Medrol injection on the computer instead of the Depo-Provera shot. In other words, they gave her the wrong medication. Both the doctor and the nurse were in the room and tried to comfort our client, who was crying. Our client had really wanted to avoid another pregnancy. The doctor informed our client that it was a “new” nurse who had administered the shot. Her “normal nurse” would have caught the prescription mistake right away.
It was very difficult for our client to talk to her parents about this. She had been feeling so proud about how she had been taking care of herself. She had a full-time job and was taking care of her daughter. Also, there were plans for further schooling. She planned to start college in the summer and work towards a degree. However, she knew that she was going to have to set back those goals/plans if she had another baby. She also worried about parenting and raising a child with a man she was not living with.
It was no consolation that the clinic and doctor made the mistake of giving her the wrong medication. At that point she decided to call a lawyer to sue the doctor and clinic for giving her the wrong medication. She was entitled to compensation for the setbacks resulting from this unwanted pregnancy. When she came to us, attorney Pam Rochlin was understanding of the situation and determined to get this young woman compensation to help with the situation.
This is a case that required compensation for our client because of this medical mistake. She was given the wrong prescription and became pregnant because of the wrong medication. Fortunately, we were successful in getting her a fair settlement. Our lawyers have 25 years’ experience representing people injured because of a medical mistake, medical malpractice, accident injury at the hospital or clinic, death, and other accidents. Pam Rochlin is a former partner at Meshbesher. She is tough, gets results, and provides personal attention to her clients. Call us for a free consultation.