The passenger on a motorcycle is most likely to be injured in an accident. Fortunately, a motorcycle passenger has rights in Minnesota. First, there may be a case against the car that caused the accident. In addition, there can be coverage from the insurance for the driver of the motorcycle, even if he was not at fault.
A top motorcycle accident lawyer in MN can help you sort out these insurance issues. Our attorneys will also lead a thorough investigation to direct your injury case.
Minnesota has specific laws that apply to motorcycle drivers when they carry a passenger. Compliance with these laws is important to avoid being injured in a motorcycle accident. When a passenger riding on motorcycle is injured in a crash, our attorneys work to make sure they are fully compensated. This includes medical bills, lost wages, future needs and pain and suffering.
Minn. Stat. Section 169.974, Subd. 3
(a) Any motorcycle with a seat designed or suited for use by a passenger shall be equipped with footrests for the passenger. No person shall operate any motorcycle unless such motorcycle is equipped with at least one rear view mirror. Further, the mirror must be attached and adjusted to reflect a view of the roadway for a distance of at least 200 feet behind the motorcycle. The motorcycle must be equipped with a horn which shall be audible at a distance of at least 200 feet.
(b) All other motor vehicle equipment requirements shall apply to motorcycles, except those which by their nature have no application.
Subd. 4. Equipment for operator and passenger.
(a) No person under the age of 18 shall operate or ride a motorcycle without wearing protective headgear. Also, no person shall operate a motorcycle without wearing an eye-protective device.
Pam Rochlin and David Rochlin are Minnesota personal injury attorneys with more than 25 years’ experience. We have successfully handled hundreds of motorcycle and car accident injury cases throughout MN. Our best MN lawyers help an injured motorcycle accident passenger go after the insurance of the driver of the motorcycle as well as the driver of any involved car. If necessary, we will sue the motorcycle crash driver’s insurance or start a lawsuit against the car driver.
Our primary focus is to make sure you are fully compensated for your motorcycle passenger injury. For example, medical bills, lost wages, future needs, and pain and suffering. Pam was a former partner at Meshbesher & Spence, and offers small firm attention to her clients.
Our top motorcycle accident injury attorneys in MN can meet with you to discuss your motorcycle crash case at our offices in Edina, Woodbury and Minneapolis. Further, If you were a motorcycle passenger injured in an accident, a lawyer will also come to meet you at your home. We come to St. Paul, Rogers MN, Elk River, Maple Grove, and Brooklyn Park MN. Also, Chanhassen, Chaska, and other cities throughout Minnesota. We will always provide you with a free initial consultation. In addition, we never charge anything unless we are successful in getting compensation for you and your family.
For additional information on motorcycle safety, check out these websites: Motorcycle Safety Foundation. American Motorcyclist Association Also, Wikipedia has a good article on motorcycle safety. Even more resources.