Minnesota Resources For People With TBI / Brain Injury

People in Minnesota who have suffered a traumatic brain injury have many resources available to them. However, the list below compiled by our brain injury lawyers is a good start. Fortunately, there has been significant research and progress in treatment options. Be aware, Minnesota has many options for brain injury victims. Help can come in many forms. For some people, just having someone recognize the problem is crucial. But most importantly, there are many treatment options available. There are exercises for cognitive improvement, plus many coping strategies.
Minnesota Brain Injury Alliance: www.braininjurymn.org.
HCMC Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Center: http://www.hcmc.org/clinics/TraumaticBrainInjuryCenter/HCMC_CLINICS_448.
MN Department of Education: http://www.education.state.mn.us/MDE/EdExc/SpecEdClass/DisabCateg/TraumBrainInj/index.html.
REM Minnesota: http://www.remminnesota.com/standard/services.aspx?guid=0c1ec69e-9dcd-4523-8e8d-07db15138208.
Courage Center (Courage Kenny):www.allinahealth.org/Health-Conditions-and-Treatments/Neurology/Concussions-in-sports.
Regions Hospital Rehabilitation: http://www.regionshospital.com/rh/specialties/rehabilitation-institute/.
Mayo Clinic: http://www.mayo.edu/research/centers-programs/traumatic-brain-injury-program/overview.
Getting appropriate help can make all the difference in your recovery and quality of life. Please, do not hesitate to reach out. Also, if you have a loved one with a TBI, encourage them to use these resources. Medical insurance will usually cover the cost of necessary treatment. Also, many of these resources have free programs for people with limited means.
At the Rochlin Law Firm, Pam Rochlin and David Rochlin are MN attorneys with 25 years’ experience successfully representing clients who have suffered a brain injury (TBI) because of an accident. If you, or a family member or friend, have suffered a concussion injury or brain injury TBI in a Minnesota accident, we can help.
Please call our best brain injury lawyers for a free consultation regarding your legal rights and information on treatment options. An attorney will answer your questions and protect your rights. We can get you the compensation you are entitled to. A lawyer will meet you at our office or your home. Further, we will never charge anything unless you receive compensation for your injury.