Dog Bite Cabin Lawyers MN



A dog with its mouth open and it's tongue hanging out.
Bit By Dog at Cabin Lawyer MN

A dog owner is responsible if their dog bites or injures someone. Minnesota law is very strict about this. It doesn’t matter if the dog has not bitten anyone before. Even if it is the first time, the dog owner is responsible. The only defense to a dog attack or bite in Minnesota is if the victim was trespassing or provoked the dog. The law has to be strict, with so many dog bite or attack cases every year. Also, many of these cases involve children. It should be the dog owner who pays the medical bills and other compensation. Otherwise, it is the dog bite victim (or their parents) who must pay the bills and suffer the consequences.

Our dog bite lawyers handle these cases throughout Minnesota. The dog attack does not have to be on the property of the dog owner. Homeowners insurance will cover a dog attack or dog bite even if it occurs off the owner’s property. For example, our attorneys have pursued dog bite cases at a dog park, a pet store, and many other situations.

Recently, we have had several cases where the dog bite occurs at someone’s cabin or lake home. Of course, dog owners tend to let their dogs be off leash more often at a cabin or lake home. The dog may run into the street by the cabin and attack someone passing by. Likewise, the dog might attack someone visiting the cabin. Our lawyers have also handled many cases where the dog bite is to a visitor at the cabin. Fortunately, cabin insurance will also usually cover dog attacks.


If you (or your child) were bitten by a dog at someone’s cabin in Minnesota, call us for a free consultation with a top dog bite lawyer. Our lawyers have more than 25 years’ experience representing dog bite victims throughout MN. We will make sure your medical bills are paid and money is available for future needs. The initial consultation is free. Further, we never charge anything unless you receive compensation for your injuries.