Hit By Car Tailgating Me – Lawyers MN

HIT BY CAR TAILGATING – INJURY LAWYERS MN Our car accident lawyers handle many rear-end accident cases. Some of those crashes are because of tailgating vehicle. In fact, we frequently get calls saying, “I was hit by a car tailgating me.” The law in Minnesota requires every car to leave a reasonable distance with the car ahead. Unfortunately, there are […]

Intersection Car Accident Fault – Lawyers MN

PROVING WHO WAS AT FAULT IN INTERECTION CAR ACCIDENT Our car accident lawyers handle cases throughout Minnesota. Of course we handle car accidents of all kinds. For example, many rear end accidents and many drunk driver crashes. However, intersection accidents can be especially interesting. Of course, one reason is that with an intersection accident, the drivers often disagree about who […]

Compensation for Independent Contractor Accident Injury

INDEPENDANT CONTRACTOR INJURED IN ACCIDENT – COMPENSATION LAWYERS MN Our lawyers represent employees injured in an accident. However, not workers compensation cases. Rather, we represent employees who are injured by a third party. For example, delivery people injured in a car accident or falling on someone’s property. Our injury lawyers also handle many dog bite cases for employees. Many of […]

Car Accident Insurance Coverage Lawyers

CAR ACCIDENT INSURANCE – WHAT TO LOOK FOR FROM A CAR ACCIDENT LAWYER Our car accident lawyers deal with auto insurance issues every day. Because of our extensive experience, people often ask us for advice on what insurance they should get. Here are a few things to consider when buying car accident insurance. Of course, it is better to think […]

Fell in Entry of Store Lawyers

IS THE STORE RESPONSIBLE IF YOU FELL COMING INTO ENTRY? Ok, it’s winter – sort of.  It has gotten cold, and there is a bit of snow on the ground. Of course, that means it is also getting slippery. Therefore, our lawyers have been getting calls about slip fall injury cases. Falling in winter is always a risk. However, stores […]