Pay for My Car After Accident Lawyers

CAR DAMAGE INSURANCE AFTER AUTO ACCIDENT – LAWYERS MN Our car accident lawyers focus on injury cases. However, with a car accident injury comes damage to your car.  If the other driver is at fault their insurance must pay to fix your car. But do they have enough auto insurance? Do you have enough insurance? People rightly are most concerned […]

Driver Using Marijuana Caused Accident – Lawyers

PEOPLE UNDERESTIMATE MARIJUANA’S IMPACT ON DRIVERS Our car accident lawyers represent people injured by an impaired teenage driver. Of course, it can be marijuana, alcohol, or other drugs. In many cases, distracted driving also plays a part. The U.S. National Transportation Safety Board urges parents to warn teenagers about the risk of driving after using marijuana. The Board recently released […]

Injured Helping Someone With Home Project

INJURED IN ACCIDENT HELPING FRIEND WITH HOME PROJECT Our personal injury lawyers have represented many people injured at someone’s home. Often, it is a slip fall or trip fall case. However, some cases are more unusual. For example, we recently finished a case where our client was helping a friend with his garden. While stepping over the garden fence, a […]