Injured By Dog Lawyers

INJURED BY DOG JUMPING ON YOU Dogs love people. However, they can become overexcited to see you. Of course, they also don’t understand the consequences of their actions. If a dog jumps on you and knocks you down, you can be seriously injured. The dog didn’t do it on purpose, but there are repercussions that must be addressed. To start, […]

Kayak Hit By Boat Injury Lawyers MN

HIT BY BOAT WHILE IN KAYAK Summer is finally in full swing. People are out on the lake every weekend and most days. In fact, the heat is driving more people to the lakes than ever. Our family loves being on the lake, However, as lawyers, we also handle boat accident cases every year. Our kids wish we would ease […]

Bicycle Accident Lawyer MN

BICYCLE ACCIDENT INJURY LAWYERS Celebrity chef Gordan Ramsey recently posted on Instagram about a bad bicycle accident he had. Our lawyers frequently handle cases where a bicycle is hit by a car. In the post, Mr. Ramsey candidly states he is lucky to be alive. However, he attributes his luck to wearing a helmet. Particularly if the bike rider is […]

Injured in Car Accident Lawyer

  INJURED IN CAR ACCIDENT – OUR LAWYERS CAN HELP A car accident injury lawyer mostly deals with medical bills, lost income, and future needs. In addition, we get clients compensation for pain and suffering and other losses. A lawyer for someone injured in a car accident handles the insurance issues, including auto insurance, disability insurance and medical insurance. After […]

Injured In Semi Truck Accident

  WILL SELF DRIVING SEMIS REDUCE NUMBER OF INJURY ACCIDENTS? Our car accident lawyers represent people injured by a semi truck. These crashes are still regular occurrences, despite the increasing safety features in most vehicles. We keep hearing that at some point semis will be self driving. However, at this point, truck crashes still happen and the damage is substantial. […]