If you are injured in a car accident in Minnesota, your automobile insurance pays your initial medical bills. Medical bills and lost wages are paid by your auto insurance, even if the accident was the other driver’s fault. This is called MN No-Fault Insurance. The minimum amount of auto accident insurance for medical bills is $20,000. However, your auto insurer only has to pay medical bills that are related to the accident. Our car accident lawyers are frequently called when the auto insurance company stops paying someone’s medical bills.
The insurance company may claim the person’s medical treatment was not from the car accident, i.e. “not related.” For example, a preexisting condition. Or, they claim that you are no longer hurt. Obamacare may have eliminated pre-existing conditions for health insurance, but it is still an issue when it comes to auto insurance.
Some car insurance companies are more aggressive about this than others. Every MN car accident attorney has clients sent to an independent medical examination. These examinations are done by an insurance company doctor. This auto insurance exam usually results in the doctor saying the injured person has a preexisting condition or was not injured in the accident. Sometimes the insurance company doctor will say the injury was temporary and the person has recovered. In other words, you don’t need any more treatment.
After the insurance company gets their doctor report, they will stop paying medical bills. When this happens, the injured person’s lawyer can dispute the decision. We will start a No-Fault arbitration process if the unpaid medical bills and lost wages are still under $10,000. If the bills are over $10,000, the attorney can waive the excess bills or start a district court case.
Our car crash lawyers handle many no fault arbitrations throughout Minnesota every year. The arbitration is a relatively simple process. A more neutral third person will decide the case. They determine if the insurance company was justified to stop paying your medical bills after the accident. If the insurance company loses, they have to pay the bills, plus 15% interest.
If you have been injured in a car accident, our lawyers can help when the auto insurance company stops paying your medical bills or lost wages. Call our office and speak to a top attorney for a free consultation. Our car accident lawyers have more than 25 years’ experience. We have helped hundreds of people who have been injured in crashes throughout MN.
You can meet with one of our lawyers at our office, or an auto accident lawyer will meet with you at your home. We will advise you of your rights and help you get the best possible result in your case. We only charge a percentage of the compensation you receive, so if you are not compensated, we do not send you a bill.