Our auto accident attorneys represent crash injury victims throughout Minnesota. Over the last 25 years, we have successfully handled hundreds of cases. Most of our cases involve inattentive or distracted driving leading to a car accident. Many times, it is a rear end collision or not stopping for a stop light or stop sign. Unfortunately, it just takes a moment of inattention. Looking away from the road, texting, or changing the radio station can cause terrible and tragic auto accident injuries. Unfortunately, there can be substantial medical bills after an auto accident. In addition, many of our clients lose time from work that needs to be reimbursed.
It is important to remember that these car accident cases don’t have to happen. There are numerous videos on YouTube showing dash-cam video of auto accidents. Of course, our attorneys usually don’t get to see the actual accident our client was in unless this type of video available. Most of the auto accidents shown on YouTube are scary to look at. However, the video is worth seeing if it keeps people focused while they are driving. Therefore, we encourage you to watch a few of these videos with your family. Hopefully they will get an increased appreciation of the need for safe, defensive driving.

If you are injured in an auto accident, call us and speak with an attorney for a free consultation. We will explain your rights and protect your interests. David Rochlin and Pam Rochlin are personal injury attorneys with more than 25 years’ experience. We represent people injured in auto accidents throughout Minnesota. We have offices in Minneapolis, Edina, St. Louis Park and Woodbury where you can meet with a top attorney to discuss your case. Our car accident lawyers will deal with the insurance issues for you. Of course, our primary focus it to make sure you get all of the compensation you are entitled to.
We are tough with the insurance companies to make sure our clients are treated fairly. At the same time, we provide personal attention to our clients. Our auto accident attorneys will also come to you to discuss your injury case at your home. This includes attorney appointments in St. Paul MN, Roseville, White Bear Lake, Forest Lake, Apple Valley, and Burnsville. We also come to Richfield, Chaska, Chanhassen, Anoka, Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center, Plymouth, Maple Grove, Golden Valley, and other cities throughout Minnesota. The initial consultation is free. Further, we never charge anything unless you are compensated.