Car Accident Medical Bills MN Lawyer


Our car accident attorneys represent people injured in a Minnesota auto accident. We have handled hundreds of cases over the past 25 years. In a serious accident, the first question most people ask is how the car accident medical bills get paid. The answer is that the medical bills after a car accident get paid in several stages:

First, your own auto insurance pays up to $20,000 of medical bills. This is called No-Fault coverage. It is required in every Minnesota car insurance policy. Your car insurance must pay your first $20,000 in medical bills regardless of who caused the car accident. In other words, even if the other driver was completely at fault. Our car accident lawyers handle No-Fault mediccal claims every day.

Medical Bills Car Accident
Medical Bills Car Accident

What if your medical bills from the car accident are more than $20,000? The extra bills must initially be paid by your health insurance. If the car accident was the other driver’s fault, their car insurance does not pay any medical bills until you completely settle the case. Therefore, your health insurance pays your medical bills above $20,000, and you pay any co-pays or deductible. Then, when you settle the case against the other driver’s insurance, everyone is paid back. If you don’t have health insurance, the medical bills will just be owed until we settle the case.

If the other driver was at fault and caused the car accident, their insurance will repay all remaining medical bills up to the amount of their coverage. In addition, if your medical bills from the car accident are more than the other driver’s insurance coverage, you also have a claim for underinsured auto coverage from your own policy, up to your policy limits. Of course, there is more than just medical bills after a car accident. Our lawyer work to get you complete compensation for the effect the crash has had on your life.


If you have been injured in a MN car accident, call us and speak with a top lawyer for a free consultation. Our personal injury lawyers have been successfully representing people with a car accident injury for over 25 years. We are tough, get results, and offer personal attention. If the car accident was not your fault, we will make sure justice is done.

Pam Rochlin is a former partner at Meshbesher and Spence. She was the 2015 president of Minnesota Women Lawyers and has been voted a MN super lawyer for many years. Our best attorneys will make sure your car accident medical bills are paid, plus lost wages and compensation for pain and suffering.