If you are injured in an accident that is not your fault, you are entitled to compensation from whoever caused your injury. This is true if you are injured in a car accident, dog attack, or slip fall accident. Also, if you are injured by a defective product. Our top Minnesota personal injury lawyers work hard to get our clients injury pain and suffering compensation after an accident. This is in addition to payment of medical bills and lost wages.

After an accident injury, the compensation you are entitled to includes medical bills and lost wages. However, there should also be compensation for your pain and suffering. Pain and suffering from an accident injury can be very serious and worthy of significant compensation. Even more so if there is a permanent injury that will continue to affect you. When you speak with an injury lawyer at our office, we will explain this aspect of the law to you and answer your questions about pain and suffering compensation.
People sometimes call an attorney to ask how much is my case worth. In other words, how much compensation will I get for pain and suffering after being injured in an accident. This is a complicated question and does not have an easy answer.
Factors to consider in a personal injury case include: past and future pain, permanent disability, and life expectancy. Also, your ability to continue your usual occupation. There is often an effect of the injury on the person’s activities. Also, their enjoyment of life. This can include disfigurement resulting from the injury. Bodily injury damages include compensation for pain, disability, disfigurement, embarrassment, and emotional distress.
The primary focus of our best injury lawyers is to get our MN clients appropriate and complete compensation for pain and suffering and all other losses after they have been injured in an accident.
At the Rochlin Law Firm, our attorneys have more than 25 years’ experience successfully representing people who have been injured in an accident because of someone else’s fault. If you have questions about pain and suffering compensation, call our office for a free consultation with a top MN attorney.
Our lawyers can meet with you at our offices in Minneapolis, Edina, Woodbury and St. Louis Park. A lawyer will also come to your home to discuss your injury case in St. Paul MN, Minneapolis, Chanhassen, Elk River, St. Cloud, and Rogers. Also, Forest Lake, Burnsville, Apple Valley, Eden Prairie, Maple Grove MN, Roseville, and other cities throughout Minnesota. The initial consultation is free. Further, we will never charge anything unless you receive compensation for your injuries.