Minneapolis Police Department Contact Information:
If you need immediate response after a Minneapolis car accident, you should call 911. However, to report a non-emergency auto accident to the Mpls. police, you can also call 911. In addition, there it the non emergency number 612-348-2345. Also, you can report a non-emergency incident on the Minneapolis Police website. https://www.insidempd.com/get-connected/filing-crime-accident-reports/non-emergency. For a car accident, however, our lawyers recommend having law enforcement respond, even if there is no emergency.
Minneapolis Police Department Records Information Unit
350 5th St. S. Room 31 Minneapolis, MN 55415. Phone: (612) 673-2961 or [email protected]. This is where you go to request a police report after a car accident. Additionally, you can also request other Minneapolis Police Department data like crash reports. However, the request must comply with department policy and Minnesota Data Practices law. (Minnesota State Statute 13.82.) Our top car accident lawyers always contact the records department in our Minneapolis cases.

In addition, public information terminals are available for use in the front lobby during normal business hours. Office Hours: 8 am to 4 pm, Monday to Friday. Closed holidays and weekends. (612) 673-2961. In fact, there are five Minneapolis police precincts where you can go to get your police report of a car crash.
The Minneapolis police 1st Precinct
Located at: 19 North 4th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55401. (612) 673-5701 Fax (612) 370-3900
The 1st Precinct’s service area is downtown Minneapolis. It is bounded by the Mississippi River to the North and Northeast, Interstate 94 on the West and South and Plymouth Avenue North. Also, this precinct is headquarters for Patrol Officers. In addition, you will find departments for Precinct Investigations, the Community Response Team and Community Crime Prevention/SAFE Teams. The Mounted Patrol and Arson Unit provide citywide services.
The Minneapolis police 2nd Precinct
Station is: 1911 Central Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, MN 55418 (612) 673-5702 Fax (612) 370-3885
The 2nd Precinct’s service area is bounded by the Mississippi River on the west and south, 37 th Avenue NE on the north. On the east is the cities of St. Anthony and St. Paul. The total area of the 2nd Precinct is about 7,900 acres.
The Minneapolis police 3rd Precinct
Building is located at: 3000 Minnehaha Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55406 (612) 673-5703 Fax (612) 370-3880
The 3rd Precinct is headquarters for Patrol Officers and Precinct Investigations. In addition, the Community Response Team and Community Crime Prevention/SAFE are based here. The 3rd Precinct is the city’s largest precinct geographically. Its service area is bounded by Interstate 35 W on the west, and Interstate 94 on the north. Of course, on the east is the Mississippi River. Then, 62nd Street borders on the south.
The Minneapolis police 4th Precinct
Found at the intersection of Plymouth Avenue North and Morgan Avenue: 1925 Plymouth Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN 55411 (612) 673-5704 Fax (612) 370-3878
The 4th Precinct is the headquarters for Patrol Officers, Precinct Investigations, and Community Crime Preventions/SAFE Teams. In addition, there is a Community Response Team. The 4th Precinct provides police services to one-fifth of the city of Minneapolis. Its service area is bounded by the Mississippi River on the East, Interstate 394 on the South and the city limits on the West and North.
The Minneapolis police 5th Precinct
Located at 3101 Nicollet Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55408. Phone (612) 673-5705 Fax (612) 370-3879
The 5th Precinct is also a facility headquarters for Patrol Officers, Precinct Investigations, the Community Response Team and Community Crime Prevention/SAFE Teams. It provides police services to one-fifth of the city of Minneapolis. Its service area is bounded by Interstate 35 W on the East, Interstate 94 on the North and the city limits on the West and South.
The Minneapolis city attorney’s office
Frequently prosecutes Minneapolis driving offenses including car accidents and drunk driving. Their website is http://www.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/attorney/attorney_index. Particularly in drunk driver car accident cases, our lawyers recommend that clients stay involved in the court proceedings. The website for the Minneapolis victims’ rights department is https://www.hennepinattorney.org/get-help/crime/victim-services
The Hennepin County attorney website is http://www.hennepinattorney.org/
Hennepin County Medical Center
Located at 701 Park Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415 612-873-3000. https://www.hennepinhealthcare.org
Minneapolis Impound Lot
51 Colfax Ave North Minneapolis, MN 55405. Phone: (612) 673-5777. http://www.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/impound/index.htm.
Sometimes, people who call our lawyers in Minneapolis are not injured in the car accident. However, they have questions about the damage to their vehicle. Click here for more information about how to get compensated for the damage to your car.
If you are definitely NOT injured, but can’t agree with the insurance company or other party about the value of your, you may be able to resolve the claim yourself. Minneapolis has a very good Conciliation Court program. Conciliation court will accept claims up to $15,000. Here is the link for Hennepin County Conciliation Court. http://www.mncourts.gov/district/4/?page=395.
You should be sure to read the rules carefully before suing for your car accident vehicle damage. You are also welcome to call our Minneapolis car accident lawyers for a brief free consultation about this.
If your car has been totaled and you are trying to figure out what it is worth, we have a web page with good resources. See How Much Is My Car Worth.
If you have been injured in a car accident in Minneapolis, or a family member has been killed in a car accident, call us and speak with an experienced lawyer for a free consultation. Pam Rochlin and David Rochlin are Minnesota personal injury lawyers with more than 25 years of experience. We have successfully handled hundreds of car crash injury cases.
A top auto accident attorney will discuss your case with you, answer your questions, and explain your rights. Our Minneapolis car crash lawyers are also happy to meet with you at our office or your home for a free consultation. We will meet with you to discuss your car accident injury case at our offices in Minneapolis MN, St. Louis Park, Woodbury, and Edina.
An auto accident attorney will also meet with people to discuss their car crash cases at their homes in Minneapolis, St. Paul MN, Chanhassen, Chaska, Anoka, and Eden Prairie. Also, Maple Grove, Rogers, Brooklyn Park, Bloomington, Richfield, Apple Valley, Roseville, Maplewood, and other surrounding cities in Minnesota. There is no obligation on your part, and never charge a fee unless you receive compensation for your injury.