A news outlet just reported another car accident fatality because of a drunk driver. Alcohol was a factor in a St. Paul collision that killed a woman Friday night, police say. A 28-year-old driver was arrested after he struck another car at about 6:10 p.m. He initially fled the scene but then returned. The victim was driving east on a road in St. Paul when her car was struck by the drunk man’s vehicle. Her vehicle then hit a tree, while the drunk driver’s vehicle hit a parked car. Our car accident lawyers represent people injured by a drunk driver in St. Paul.
Unfortunately, the victim was pronounced dead at the scene by St. Paul paramedics. Her name, and the cause of her death, will be released later by the Ramsey County medical examiner’s office. In many cases, the death is caused by a head injury. In these cases, our car accident lawyers represent the surviving family.
The suspect was taken to Regions Hospital for treatment, the police spokesman said. However, officers obtained a search warrant for a blood alcohol test. The crash was being investigated by the St. Paul police homicide and traffic investigation units.

This is another terribly sad drunk driving case. Unfortunately, many lives will be changed forever. Our car accident injury lawyers represent people and their family whose lives have been changed after being hit by a drunk driver in St. Paul. Amazingly, we often see cases where the drunk driver is the only one not injured, even though others may be catastrophically injured or killed. In addition, the law is too forgiving to the drunk driver who caused the car accident. They often serve too little or even no time in jail – even if they have seriously injured or killed someone. Unfortunately, that is not something our car accident lawyers can control.
A car accident lawyer can sue the drunk driver, and possibly the bar that over-served him. We can at least make sure the injured victim or their family receive monetary compensation from the drunk driver and his insurance company.
At the Rochlin Law Firm, we have over 25 years’ experience suing a drunk driver who caused a car accident in St. Paul and throughout Minnesota. When you call our office regarding your St. Paul car accident, a top lawyer will explain your options and make sure your rights are protected. The initial consultation is free. In addition, we never charge anything unless you receive compensation for your injuries. We have big firm experience but provide small firm attention.