People often ask our car accident lawyers what “No-Fault” means? The answer is that it has to do with the benefits you get after a car accident injury. If you are injured in a car accident in MN, you are automatically entitled to certain medical and wage loss payments. You get these benefits regardless of who caused the accident.
They are called no-fault benefits because they are available to anyone injured in a car accident, regardless of fault. Every automobile in Minnesota is required to be insured. Part of that insurance includes compulsory No-Fault insurance. In other words, No Fault insurance is automatically included in every automobile insurance policy in MN. Even if you caused the auto accident, you are entitled to no fault benefits.
However, who was at fault in the car accident is still important. There are several reasons for this. For example, No Fault insurance benefits have specific dollar limits. Additional compensation beyond No-Fault coverage comes from the driver who caused the crash. Therefore, who was at fault is still very important. When you call our office, a top MN car accident lawyer will listen to your case and explain your rights to you.

No-fault coverage pays for your medical bills (up to $20,000). It also pays a portion of your income loss (up to $20,000). However, if your medical bills become more than $20,000, you need to access other types of insurance. See also, How To Get Medical Bills Paid.
No-Fault insurance also pays a portion of your income loss from a car accident. In most cases, this is limited to $500.00 per week and a total of $20,000. Again, however, you may be able to recover the rest of your wage loss from the other driver’s insurance, if they were at fault.
Of course, there are some restrictions to No-Fault benefits. For example, No Fault insurance only covers medical bills and lost wages that are related to the auto accident. Therefore, the insurance company may challenge whether you were actually injured in the accident. They often will claim you had a pre-existing condition. In many cases, the insurance company will require you attend an independent medical examination. Our car accident lawyers frequently get new clients after the auto insurance company has cutoff someone’s medical or wage loss benefits.
No-fault coverage will pay for medical mileage (for trips to and from your medical providers). It will also pay for re-training costs if you need to change careers. In addition, there is replacement costs (if you need assistance from another person). Also, funeral expenses, and other death benefits. Click here to read more about survivors benefits if a family member was killed in a car accident.
Reimbursement of these expenses can involve significant time and paperwork. This is something our office will assist you with. Call us to speak with a car accident lawyer in MN. Click here to see the No-Fault Benefits statute.
What confuses most people about “no-fault” benefits is that it is YOUR automobile insurance company that pays these benefits to you if you are injured. In fact, your car insurance must pay even if your car was not involved in the accident. In other words, even if you were a passenger in someone else’s car, your own automobile insurance company pays your No-Fault benefits.
This doesn’t seem to make sense to many people. However, the Minnesota legislature decided that since EVERYONE is entitled to no-fault insurance benefits, the cost for no-fault insurance should be spread equally among auto insurance companies. They do this by having each company pay for its own insureds’ benefits. Your insurance also covers every member of your family (including children) who live with you. If you did not cause the crash, your insurance rates won’t go up for making a No Fault claim.
No fault insurance if you don’t own a car?
You may be covered under an auto insurance policy of a relative you live with, or the policy of a car involved in the accident. There is a priority system of which car insurance company pays No-Fault Benefits in any situation. It applies even if you do not own a car at the time you are in an accident. To find out who is responsible for paying your no-fault benefits, contact our law firm. An experienced car accident attorney in MN law will provide you with a free consultation.
Will submitting a claim for no-fault benefits increase my insurance premiums?
No. An insurance company cannot increase your insurance premiums simply because you make an application or claim for no-fault benefits. Your insurance rates will go up only if the car accident was your fault.
What if I have health insurance?
Shouldn’t my health insurance pay my bills? By law, your automobile insurance company has to pay your initial medical bills from a car crash. Car insurance will pay $20,000 before your health insurance pays anything. If you exhaust the $20,000 in no-fault medical coverage, or if your automobile insurance company refuses to pay any of your medical bills, then your medical bills can be submitted to your health insurance company.
Can I see any doctor I want to with No-Fault Insurance?
Yes. Unlike a lot of health insurance companies or HMOs, the no-fault laws do not limit which doctors or medical providers you can see. You can choose any doctor that you want to see for treatment of your injuries.
To provide you with more detailed information about your right to no-fault benefits and how to obtain them, please call our office. Our Minnesota car accident lawyers will be happy to discuss your rights with you.