Will My Insurance Pay If The Other Car is Uninsured?


Hit By Uninsured Car What Your Insurance Will Cover
Hit By Uninsured Car What Your Insurance Will Cover

10% of cars on the road in Minnesota don’t have insurance. Unfortunately, many of those cars seem to end up in crashes.

Of course, a car crash always causes problems for the victim. However, it is even worse when you are hit by an uninsured driver. The first question is how will you get your car damage paid for. The best solution is to have “comprehensive” coverage for your car. However, it is optional insurance, so you may not have it. If you do have comprehensive or “full” coverage, your auto insurance will pay for the damage to your car when the other driver is uninsured. However, you will have to pay the deductible. Unfortunately, if you have liability only coverage on your car, you may have to sue the other driver. Then, you have to try and collect from them.

When you are injured in a car accident, the insurance issues are different. The initial medical bills from a car accident injury are always paid by your own insurance, even if you only have liability coverage. That is what is meant by ‘No-Fault’ insurance coverage. However, No-Fault medical benefits are limited, often to $20,000. If your car accident injury requires extensive treatment like surgery, your bills will be more than that. At that point, your health insurance will start to pay. No-Fault auto Insurance will also reimburse a portion of your lost wages, but that is limited too.


Every auto insurance policy in Minnesota comes with Uninsured Motorist Coverage for injuries. If the other car does not have insurance, your uninsured motorist coverage may pay something. The amount of uninsured motorist coverage depends on how much you purchased. The minimum is $25,000, and the maximum can be millions.

Your uninsured coverage can be very helpful if the other car was not insured. This insurance covers additional medical bills and lost wages. In addition, they will pay pain and suffering that the other driver’s insurance should have paid. Of course, these are things the other driver should be responsible for. But if the other driver doesn’t have insurance, it is good to know you are still covered.


Our top lawyers have represented many people in cases with a driver who did not have insurance. We understand the issues and will work to make sure you are still compensated as fully as possible. If you were injured in a car accident, call us for a free consultation. An attorney will explain your rights and answer your questions. We handle cases throughout Minnesota.