If you have been bitten by a dog, you may want a lawyer to help you with medical bills pain and other compensation. But how much does a lawyer charge for a dog bite case? The answer at our firm is that our lawyers work on a contingency. This means we are paid a percentage of what we recover for our clients. In other words, we do not charge an up-front fee. Also, we do not charge anything if we do not recover anything for you.
The owner of a dog in Minnesota is strictly liable for any injury caused by their dog. In other words, the owner is responsible if their dog bites someone, attacks, or even injures by accident. Our attorneys have seen terrible injuries from a dog bite or attack. In many cases, extensive and expensive medical treatment is required – sometime for years. You don’t want to worry about the cost of hiring a lawyer.
We have recovered millions of dollars for people injured by dogs over the last 25 years. Unfortunately, the insurance company often disputes the amount of appropriate compensation. Of course, most people don’t know what their case is worth to begin with. For those reasons, it is important to hire an experienced dog bite lawyer for your case.
Our dog bite lawyers represent neighbors and friends who have been bitten by their neighbor or friend’s dog. Also, family members, delivery people, mail carriers and others. Further, it doesn’t matter if the dog bite occurs at the owners house, or outside, or even at a park. The dog owner is responsible and their insurance will pay the compensation.

In most cases, the dog owner has homeowners insurance that will provide coverage for the dog bite or dog attack. Our lawyers will determine the available insurance coverage. Then, we make sure you are as fully compensated as possible. If there is no homeowners’ insurance or other way to obtain compensation, our lawyers will not charge you anything for our time. Our lawyers are only paid out of the settlement. That is how contingency fee cases work. If you have been bitten by a dog in Minnesota, call us and speak with a lawyer for a free consultation.