A motorcycle crash presents a high risk for a fatality. More than 1,200 motorcyclists were injured and 61 were killed in Minnesota motorcycle accidents in 2015. Unfortunately, it has not gotten better since then. That’s according to a Crash Records Report from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. Our top motorcycle accident lawyers have successfully represented hundreds of people injured in a motorcycle crash and car crashes throughout Minnesota.
One thing our motorcycle accident attorneys recommend is a driver safety course to avoid a motorcycle accident. Lake Superior College in Duluth is one of several places where you can take a course in motorcycle safety. The classes are three sessions long. They begin with classroom work before getting on a bike for riding exercises. “This is one of several training sessions going on throughout the state of Minnesota today,” said the Motorcycle Safety Training Course Coordinator.
One experienced motorcycle rider said that this is his third time taking this training. He uses it as a refresher course. “I always pick up something or remind myself of something. It helps me become a better motorcycle rider,” he said.
The experience level for riders varies. Some have little to no experience. During the basic riding course students learn how to start, stop, shift and take control of their motorcycle. “We have 17 total exercises that we go through that concentrate on different things. For example, we have a cornering exercise,” said the instructor.
Minnesota law doesn’t require anyone over the age of 18 to wear a helmet, but all these riders had one on. “I think most people who take this class will tell you it makes them a better automobile driver as well. They tend to see things differently after having taken a motorcycle safety course than perhaps they did before,” said the instructor. According to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, males account for more than 80 percent of all people killed or injured on a motorcycle.
One motorcycle rider taking the course said, “They remind us a lot about the safety and the risks. Sometimes you can get a little complacent when you’re riding by yourself”.
The state provides the bikes for training. Riders who have an instruction permit and successfully pass the training can get an endorsement to obtain their motorcycle license.

Of course, no matter how careful and safe you are when riding your motorcycle, you can’t control the other cars on the road. Many are driving without paying attention. If you have been hit by a car on your motorcycle, call us and speak with a lawyer. Our attorneys will provide a free consultation regarding the accident and your injuries. A lawyer will advise you of your rights after a motorcycle crash injury anywhere in Minnesota.
Pam Rochlin and David Rochlin have over 25 years’ experience. We successfully represent people injured in a motorcycle crash in cities such as Minneapolis, St. Paul, Maple Grove, and Plymouth. Also, Albert Lea, Winona, Anoka and others throughout Minnesota. We only charge if you receive compensation for your motorcycle crash injuries. Our lawyers can represent the passenger injured in a motorcycle crash as well.