As with most injuries, younger people tend to recover faster and more completely from a concussion accident. Our experienced TBI and concussion lawyers have represented many people with concussion or brain injury after an accident. We see how much more quickly and fully young people usually recover. A recent article posted by Medical New Today discussed a new study published in the journal Radiology that examined young brain injury patients.

As noted in the article, Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI) is a significant public health problem. It represents around 75% of all traumatic brain injury accident cases. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this accounted for approximately 2.5 million emergency department visits, hospitalizations and deaths in the US in 2010.
After suffering a concussion, for example as a result of a blow to the head or a whiplash injury, people often report problems with working memory. Working memory is the “mental jotting pad.” It is where we temporarily hold information such as a phone number or name until we find somewhere more permanent to store it. Our top concussion accident attorneys in MN have noted this many times with new brain injury clients.
The article notes that mental tests and brain scans using computed tomography (CT) and conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) generally fail to find anything wrong in MTBI patients. They note, however, that functional MRI (fMRI) is increasingly being used to assess MTBI symptoms.
The researchers recruited 13 young adults aged 21-30 years and 13 older adults aged 51-68 years with MTBI and matched them with 26 controls without MTBI. All underwent first fMRI scans within 1 month of injury, and a follow-up scan 6 weeks later. The participants also underwent neuropsychological and working memory tests.
The researchers found the younger patients had more initial activation (hyperactivation) than controls in two areas of the brain – the right precuneus and right inferior parietal gyrus – as they performed working memory tasks. In contrast, the older patients showed less activation (hypoactivation) than controls in the right precuneus and right inferior frontal gyrus. The younger patients had significantly improved post-concussion symptoms at the follow-up. Meanwhile, the older patients showed little significant change between initial and follow-up exams, and their hypoactivation also persisted over the period.
Co-author Dr. Ying-Chi Tseng, of Taipei Medical University Shuang Ho Hospital, concludes:
‘Taken together, these findings provide evidence for differential neural plasticity across different ages, with potential prognostic and therapeutic implications. The results suggest that MTBI might cause a more profound and lasting effect in older patients.’
The team hopes the results will trigger a rethink in how to care for mild TBI patients. For example, separate management strategies for different age groups following concussion.
If you or a loved suffer from a concussion as the result of an accident, call our office to speak with a lawyer for a free consultation. Our best MN attorneys have represented many people injured in a concussion accident from a car crash, slip and fall, and other causes. We know what you are going through, and we can provide the legal help you need.
You can meet with an experienced concussion accident lawyer at our offices in Minneapolis, Edina, and Woodbury. Our attorneys will also come to people’s homes to discussion a concussion injury in St. Paul MN, Brooklyn Park, Roseville, Maple Grove, Chanhassen, and Chaska. Also, Anoka, Apple Valley, Rogers, Burnsville, Albert Lea, Mankato, and other cities throughout Minnesota. We will explain your rights to you and make sure you receive all available compensation for your concussion injury.