Injury At Work Can I Get Workers Comp – MN Lawyer



Workers compensation insurance helps employees who have been injured on the job. There are two main requirements to qualify for workers compensation coverage in Minnesota: the ‘arising out of’ requirement and the ‘in the course of’ requirement. The arising out of requirement means a connection between the injury and the job duties. The in the course of requirement refers to the time, place and circumstances of the incident causing the injury.

Workers Compensation Injured MN
Workers Compensation Injured MN

The employee must prove both of these requirements. A Minnesota workers compensation lawyer will help you prove your case and entitlement to benefits.

There must be a causal connection between the injury and the employment. This is step one before the injured employee can qualify for compensation under the MN Workers Comp Act. This means the injury must arise as a natural incident of the work. In other words, a reasonable person would think the injury could result from the nature of the employment.


Benefits are paid where the employee is exposed to a different or greater risk than if he had been pursuing his ordinary personal affairs. For example, a teacher being accidentally hit with a bat on the playground. The arising out of requirement can be satisfied even when the workplace condition connected to the injury is not obviously hazardous. An example of this is where the employee was injured while walking down the stairs at work because of lack of a handrail. The absent handrail increased employee’s exposure to injury beyond what the employee would face in her everyday non-work life.


However, workers compensation law in MN does not make the employer an insurer against all accidents that might befall an employee. The law requires more to satisfy the arising out of requirement for workers compensation than simply an injury occurring at work. The employee must be exposed to a condition that placed her at an increased risk of injury beyond what she would experience in her non-work life. For instance, falling on the job only because of employee’s own choice to wear high heels is not covered. However, this may leave the employer open to a claim for negligence liability after a work injury.

To satisfy the ‘in the course of employment’ requirement for a workers comp claim in MN, (1) an employ’s injury must occur within the time and space boundaries of employment. When an injury occurs off the business premises or outside of regular business hours, the employee is still entitled to compensation if the employee was working at the time of the injury. Where the employee suffers a medical emergency at work and co-employee’s negligence makes it worse, or employment conditions make it worse, it arises out of his employment. Therefore, again there is coverage.


If you are injured on the job at work and have a question about whether your injury is covered by workers compensation, call our office. A lawyer will provide a free consultation. Our MN personal injury lawyers represent people injured in a work accident in their claim against a third party. For example, a postal worker bit by a dogĀ or a machine worker injured by defective equipment. We have many cases where an employee is injured by another driver while driving for work, etc.

If your question is solely about workers comp benefits from your employer, we will answer your basic questions. Then, we will refer you to a workers compensation lawyer we frequently refer cases to. The initial consultation is free. Further, and we never charge anything unless we recover compensation for you. You can discuss your workers’ compensation case with an attorney over the phone or in our office.