Our car accident lawyers represent people injured by a semi truck. These crashes are still regular occurrences, despite the increasing safety features in most vehicles. We keep hearing that at some point semis will be self driving. However, at this point, truck crashes still happen and the damage is substantial.
The Minnesota State Patrol has a section devoted just to commercial vehicles. They perform regular inspections of semi trucks. In addition, when there is a crash, they perform a full investigation.
There is good reason for the special attention to trucks. Semis are so big and heavy, almost any accident results in substantial damage. In fact, our truck accident attorneys have probably handled as many truck death cases as injury cases.
There are many possible causes of a semi truck accident. Truck drivers are always under pressure to work long hours and make fast deliveries. As a result, truck drivers often drive when they are sleepy. This slows their reaction time and makes them less attentive to the road. Of course, there are also many distractions in the truck. The driver will have one or two cell phones to look at. In addition, there are communication and information devices that are part of the truck. Hopefully, trucks really will become more self driving over time. However, in the meantime, truck accidents will continue to happen.
If you or a family member were in a car accident with a truck, call our attorneys. We represent people injured when a truck hits a car or otherwise causes an accident. Our truck accident lawyers handle cases throughout Minnesota.
When you call our office, the initial consultation is free. We will answer your questions and explain your rights. Further, we never charge anything unless you receive compensation.