Our car accident lawyers represent people injured by an impaired teenage driver. Of course, it can be marijuana, alcohol, or other drugs. In many cases, distracted driving also plays a part. The U.S. National Transportation Safety Board urges parents to warn teenagers about the risk of driving after using marijuana. The Board recently released a report about a 2022 collision where a 16 year old driver accelerated through a stop sign because she was impaired by marijuana use and distracted by her passengers.

Of course, the cannabis problem is not limited to teens. Many people tend to underestimate the risk of driving under the influence of recreational marijuana. In fact, the NTSB notes that marijuana decreases motor coordination and slows reaction time. In addition, pot impairs judgment of time and distance. These are all critical functions for safe driving. Our lawyers have handled many cases where the other driver was impaired. Most cases involve alcohol, but many cases also involve other substances.
If you were injured in a car accident, we can help. Our attorneys have 25 years’ experience helping hundreds of people throughout Minnesota. We start by making sure there is good proof that the other driver was at fault. In some cases, this means interviewing witnesses after the crash. Other times, we send our accident reconstructionist to take measurements and obtain data from the vehicles. If your injury is serious, we will make the necessary effort to prove your case.
However, proving the other driver was at fault is just the first step. Next, we will help you with the auto insurance issues. This starts with getting your vehicle repaired or replaced. Then, we make sure your medical bills are paid and lost wages reimbursed. Ultimately, we look at all aspects of your situation to get you as fully compensated as possible for your injuries.
Please call us as soon as possible after your car accident. If the other driver was high or drunk, we can help. The initial consultation is free. An experienced car accident lawyer will answer your questions and make sure your rights are protected. Then, we will work with you to make sure you are fully compensated.
We take cases throughout Minnesota. We have multiple office locations where you can meet us. In many cases, we will come to you. We also frequently meet with clients over Zoom. There is no immediate obligation on your part. Further, we never charge anything unless you receive compensation for your injuries.