Fell in Entry of Store Lawyers


Ok, it’s winter – sort of.  It has gotten cold, and there is a bit of snow on the ground. Of course, that means it is also getting slippery. Therefore, our lawyers have been getting calls about slip fall injury cases. Falling in winter is always a risk. However, stores and businesses have an obligation to keep their property clean. On area of particular concern is the entryway of a store. Our lawyers have had many cases where someone is seriously injured by falling in the entry to a store or business.

Of course, it is not easy to keep the entry area of a store clean. That is where the most traffic is, and it is constant. However, knowing that, the store has even more obligation to try. Some stores clearly make more effort than others. For example, the store may put down rugs or carpet in the entry area, and then have employees clear and dry it throughout the day.

Fell at Store Injury Lawyers
Fell at Store Injury Lawyers

When you try to bring a claim, the store’s insurance company will usually argue you should have looked where you were going or been more careful. Sometimes, they make a good point. However, sometimes it is just an excuse. The store was just not taking the care it should to protect the safety of people it invites onto its property.


If you are injured at a store, call us for a free consultation with a lawyer. Our attorneys have more than 25 years’ experience handling slip fall cases throughout Minnesota. The initial consultation is free. A lawyer will discuss the situation with you to see if you have a case. You may have photos or witnesses that can help. We will go through the details with you to make sure all options are considered.

Proving the fault of the store can be challenging. The store is not responsible just because you fell on their property. However, if you are seriously injured we will look at the case carefully for you. Compensation starts with medical bills, but there may be must more. For example, missed income from work, pain and suffering, and more.