Our Minnesota burn injury attorneys handle cases for people who were burned in an accident. These cases come from a variety of different causes. For example, a burn injury attorney in our office represented a child who was burned by an electric cigarette that exploded. We have had several cases where a propane tank exploded and burned someone. We have also had cases where a professional laser hair removal facility burned their customer. In other words, burn injuries can be the result of many different types of accidents.
The Mayo Clinic website describes some of the treatments for a burn injury. You can treat first-degree burns and small second-degree burns at home using over-the-counter products or aloe. Minor burns usually resolve within a few weeks without a scar. Therefore, they are usually not something you would need to involve a lawyer in.
However, the Mayo web site says to seek emergency treatment for burns that are moderate, severe, or widespread. Also, act quickly for burns involving your hands, feet, groin or face. Unfortunately, the treatment for severe burns can be as painful as the initial burn itself.
Treatment for a Burn Injury
Depending on the severity of the burn injury, a person may require:
- Intravenous (IV) fluids. Fluids delivered intravenously can prevent dehydration and organ failure.
- Pain relievers. Healing burns can be incredibly painful. In many cases, morphine is required; particularly during dressing changes. In many cases, anti-anxiety medications may also be helpful.
- Burn creams. A variety of products can be applied to the burn to help keep it moist. This will help reduce pain, prevent infection, and speed healing.
- Antibiotics. If you develop an infection, you may need intravenous antibiotics. Usually, the doctors will prescribe antibiotics immediately after a moderate or severe burn accident.
- Tetanus shot. Your doctor might recommend a tetanus shot after a burn injury.
Physical therapy
If the burned area is large, especially if it covers any joints, you may need physical therapy. In many cases, these exercises are designed to stretch the skin so the joints can remain flexible. Other types of exercises can improve muscle strength and coordination.
Surgical and other procedures after being burned in an accident
In some cases, you may need one or more of the following procedures after being seriously burned in an accident:
- Breathing assistance. If you’ve been burned on the face or neck, your throat may swell shut. In that case, your doctor may insert a tube down your windpipe (trachea) to keep oxygen supplied to your lungs.
- Tube feeding. Your metabolism goes into overdrive when your body starts trying to heal your burns. Therefore, you may need extra nutrition. In those cases, a feeding tube may be threaded through your nose to your stomach.
- Decompression. If a burn scab (eschar) goes completely around a limb, it can tighten and cut off the blood circulation. For example, an eschar that goes completely around the chest can make it difficult to breathe. Cutting the eschar in several places can relieve this pressure.
- Skin grafts. Sections of your own healthy skin are needed to replace the scar tissue caused by deep burns. In addition, donor skin from cadavers or pigs can be used as a temporary solution.
- Reconstruction. In many cases, plastic surgeons can improve the appearance of burn scars and increase the flexibility of joints affected by scarring.
If you are burned in a gas explosion, or if you suffer a burn injury from any other type of accident, call our office and speak with a lawyer. A top burn injury accident lawyer will provide you with a free consultation. First, we will explain your rights to compensation. This includes medical bills, treatment, lost wages, and scarring compensation.
If you have been burned in an accident, you can meet with one of our best lawyers at our offices in Edina, Minneapolis or Woodbury. Additionally, a burn injury attorney will also meet you at any hospital in MN or your home. We come to Burnsville MN, Brooklyn Center, St. Paul MN, and Roseville. Also, Chanhassen, Chaska, Maple Grove, Plymouth, Anoka MN, Brooklyn Park, Forest Lake, Lakeville, Apple Valley, Albert Lea, and other cities throughout Minnesota.