Homeowners Insurance Dog Bite Personal Injury Lawyer


Homeowners Insurance Covers Dog Bite and Injured By Dog – MN Attorneys

A dog with its mouth open and it's tongue hanging out.
Dog Bite Dog Attack Lawyer MN

Our lawyers successfully handle many dog attack cases in Minneapolis MN, St. Paul, and the surrounding cities. If you have been injured by a dog, we can help. These cases include being knocked down by a dog or suffering a dog bite. Sadly, many dog injury cases involve children being bitten by the neighbor’s dog, usually at the neighbor’s house. Minnesota law makes a dog owner responsible for injuries caused by his or her dog. However, it is the dog owner’s homeowners insurance that usually pays the compensation.

Most cases involve a dog that attacked or bit someone. We get many calls where the caller says, “a dog bit me.” In addition, our top attorneys in MN also frequently get calls from people who say, “a dog pushed me down or pushed me over” or “a dog tripped me.”


If a dog has attacked or bitten you, the claim is obvious. However, our lawyers find that people often don’t realize the dog owner is responsible anytime their dog injures a person. In other words, even if the dog accidentally caused the injury. For example, our dog attack lawyers have handled cases where a dog knocked someone off a bicycle. In another case, a dog was trying to get out of a house and pushed someone down a flight of stairs. Both of those cases resulted in a serious injury because of the dog.

Many people believe that a dog owner is only responsible if the dog has bitten or injured a person before. However, that is NOT the law in Minnesota. In fact, MN law holds a dog owner responsible the first time a dog bites or a person is injured by a dog. The only defense the owner has is if the victim provoked the attack or was trespassing. Fortunately, most dog owners have homeowner’s insurance or rental insurance that will cover their liability. Homeowners’ insurance will pay for medical bills, lost wages, and fixing the scars if possible. There will also be compensation for pain and suffering and permanent scarring.


Homeowners insurance for a dog bite or for someone injured by a dog pays compensation for the injuries. This gives peace of mind to the dog owner and homeowner. Many times, the homeowner is a friend or relative of the person that was bitten or injured by the dog. Naturally, they feel very remorseful about the situation. Having homeowners insurance for a dog attack makes sure the medical bills get paid and that the victim is fairly compensated.

Homeowners insurance for a dog bite also brings peace of mind because it protects the homeowner from personal liability. Our experienced dog bite lawyer settles cases with many different homeowners insurance companies throughout Minnesota. Our attorneys understand the process of an insurance claim for a dog bite or dog attack injury. In other words, we know how to get the best possible settlement for a dog bite. Also, we can enforce your rights if necessary through a lawsuit.

Statistics show that on average there are 300,000 dog bites per year that require medical treatment. In one study, 61% of the attacks occurred to children (11 years and younger) and 39% occur to adults (12 and older).

Unfortunately, some of the injuries from a dog attack can be quite severe and can include:

  • Rabies
  • Lacerations
  • Emotional trauma
  • Fractures
  • Head injuries.

In one year, dog attacks caused 33 deaths, 20 of them children. In these tragic instances, the family can file a wrongful death suit against the dog’s owner and the homeowners insurance. Most of the dog bite cases our attorneys have handled involve scarring and nerve damage. However, we have also handled dog bite or dog attack cases resulting in many other types of injuries.


If you have been injured by a dog or other animal in Minnesota, call and speak with a best dog bite lawyer at our office. We will fully explain your rights and discuss your entitlement to fair compensation from the dog owners homeowners insurance. The initial consultation is always free. An experienced dog bite lawyer will help determine if the homeowners insurance covers the injury in your case. If so, we will make sure you are fully and fairly compensated.

At the Rochlin Law Firm we have 25 years’ experience. We have helped hundreds of people who have been injured by a dog and other types of accidents. Our primary focus is on getting full and fair compensation for our clients.

Pam Rochlin is a former partner with Meshbesher and Spence and was the 2015 president of Minnesota Women Lawyers, an organization with over 1300 members. A lawyer will discuss your dog bite or dog attack case with you, explain your rights, and make sure you get fair compensation for your injuries. We have offices in Edina, Minneapolis, St. Louis Park, and Woodbury. A dog bite lawyer from our office can also meet you at your home throughout Minnesota. There is no obligation on your part and the consultation is free. Further, we never charge anything unless you are compensated.