Multi Car Accident – MN Attorneys


According to news reports yesterday, three individuals were involved in multi-car collision or pile up on Highway 67. Fortunately, no one was killed. However, all three are now recovering from non-life-threatening injuries. Our auto accident attorneys have represented many people who have been injured in multi vehicle collisions or pileups in cases throughout Minnesota. Where the crash involves three or more cars, there can be questions as to which vehicle caused the accident and injury.

Multiple Cars In Accident - Lawyers
Multiple Cars In Accident – Lawyers

According to the Minnesota State Patrol in this case, the first driver was heading west bound on Highway 67 at approximately 9:30 p.m. However, when he prepared to take a left turn on 530th Ave., he was rear ended by another vehicle. The collision pushed the first car into the path of the third car, who was heading east bound on Highway 67. This injured the driver of the third car in the multi vehicle chain auto accident.

Our car accident lawyers have found that being rear ended is the most common cause of a three-car accident. However, there are sometimes other reasons for the crash as well. For example, in an intersection accident, one car may bounce off another car into a third vehicle. We see that scenario frequently.

All three drivers in this case were reported to have been wearing their seat belt. Both the Fire Department and Ambulance responded to the scene. Alcohol was detected on the driver of the second car that caused the three-car collision, according to the report.


Multi vehicle accidents are particularly dangerous because the collisions come so close in time. Therefore, the passengers in the vehicle are violently thrown back and forth more than once. They can hit something in the vehicle, often causing a knee injury, back injury, shoulder or arm injury, etc.  In some cases, there is a concussion or brain injury from the head being whipped around several times. The likelihood of a broken bone or other serious injury increases when there is more than one vehicle involved in the accident.

If you are injured in a Minnesota auto accident involving multiple vehicles, call us and speak with a lawyer. The initial consultation is free.

There may be disputes about the cause of the crash. Our experienced attorneys will interview witnesses and hire an investigator or accident reconstructionist if necessary. Most importantly, we will make sure your rights are protected. An attorney will discuss the case with you and explain your rights and insurance issues. The primary focus of our top car accident lawyers is to make sure you are fully and fairly compensated for your injuries. We will never charge anything unless you receive compensation.