Compensation for Independent Contractor Accident Injury
INJURED ON THE JOB IN CO-WORKERS CAR – LAWYERS There was an interesting court of appeals case this week. It involved a car accident where co-employess were in a car and the one driving caused the crash. In most cases, a co-worker cannot sue another co-coworker. The reason is because the employee is entitled to workers compensation benefits. However, part […]
CAR ACCIDENT INSURANCE – WHAT TO LOOK FOR FROM A CAR ACCIDENT LAWYER Our car accident lawyers deal with auto insurance issues every day. Because of our extensive experience, people often ask us for advice on what insurance they should get. Here are a few things to consider when buying car accident insurance. Of course, it is better to think […]
DRIVE SAFELY ON NEW YEARS TO AVOID CAR ACCIDENT New Year’s Eve can be a fun night. The beginning of a new year is always exciting. It is a fresh start. Therefore, a reason to celebrate. However, for some people, it can be a little too fun. Our car accident lawyers handle drunk driver crashes. Therefore, we know the devastating […]
CAR ACCIDENT UNDERINSURED COVERAGE Our car accident lawyers mostly handle cases with very bad injuries. Often, the medical bills are very high and our client is out of work for an extended time. If the car crash is not your fault, you can sue or bring a claim against the other driver’s insurance. Unfortunately, the other driver often does not […]
IS THE STORE RESPONSIBLE IF YOU FELL COMING INTO ENTRY? Ok, it’s winter – sort of. It has gotten cold, and there is a bit of snow on the ground. Of course, that means it is also getting slippery. Therefore, our lawyers have been getting calls about slip fall injury cases. Falling in winter is always a risk. However, stores […]
CAN YOU SETTLE CAR DAMAGE CASE IF YOU ARE ALSO INJURED? We get calls every day from people wanting to talk with a car accident lawyer. As promised, the initial consultation is free. In fact, our car accident lawyers are happy to talk with people and answer questions. In many cases, the first issue after a car accident is getting […]
CAN I MAKE PERSON WHO INJURED ME PAY MORE THAN THEIR INSURANCE? Our personal injury lawyers handle many serious personal injury cases. We help clients with the civil litigation part of their case. In other words, we do not have anything to do with criminal prosecution. The criminal part of a case is handled by the state, usually through a […]
WHAT RIGHTS DOES AN INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR HAVE FOR ACCIDENT The concept of “independent contractor” is abused. Historically, an independent contractor is someone who has their own business with multiple customers and their own equipment. Those people are truly independent and would not rely on their customers for benefits or insurance. Unfortunately, the concept has changed over the years. Now, people […]
INJURED BY STORE EMPLOYEE? OUR LAWYERS CAN HELP Our lawyers represent people injured at a store. Often, the injury is caused by a store employee. For example, we have represented people who are hit by a row of shopping carts being pushed by a store worker. We have also had many cases where a store employee drops something on a […]