Injured In Semi Truck Accident

WILL SELF DRIVING SEMIS REDUCE NUMBER OF INJURY ACCIDENTS? Our car accident lawyers represent people injured by a semi truck. These crashes are still regular occurrences, despite the increasing safety features in most vehicles. We keep hearing that at some point semis will be self driving. However, at this point, truck crashes still happen and the damage is substantial. The […]

Car Accident Visiting MN Injury Lawyers

INJURED IN CAR ACCIDENT WHILE VISITING MINNESOTA People travel through or visit Minnesota every day. Many people drive here regularly from Wisconsin, North Dakota, and Iowa. Of course, there are also people visiting Minnesota from all over the country. Really, all over the world. Our car accident lawyers represent people from out of town. So what happens if you are […]

Why Does My Insurance Pay Accident Not My Fault

DOES YOUR INSURANCE PAY WHEN CAR ACCIDENT NOT YOUR FAULT? The answer to this question is yes. In Minnesota, your auto insurance pays certain benefits regardless of fault. That is what ‘No-Fault‘ means. People injured in a car accident automatically have their medical bills paid and wage loss reimbursed. Those benefits come from your auto insurance regardless of fault. In […]

Icy Road Fatal Crashes in Twin Cities

MULTIPLE FATAL CRASHES YESTERDAY MORNING ON ICY ROADS Several fatal crashes have occurred the last few days related to ice on the roads. That may be surprising given it hasn’t even snowed yet. But it is part of winter in Minnesota. Temperatures rise and fall, and there can be moisture that freezes during the night. Our car accident lawyers handle […]