Dogs love people. However, they can become overexcited to see you. Of course, they also don’t understand the consequences of their actions. If a dog jumps on you and knocks you down, you can be seriously injured. The dog didn’t do it on purpose, but there are repercussions that must be addressed. Our lawyers handle these cases every day.
To start, medical bills must be paid. Minnesota law says the dog owner is responsible for ANY injury caused by their dog. In other words, it is not just a dog bite. If a dog pushed you down or otherwise injured you, the dog owner is responsible. Fortunately, the dog owner’s homeowners insurance will pay the required compensation.

Our lawyers have handled cases where a dog pushed a person down the stairs. Also, many cases where a dog knocked someone over on a bicycle or motorcycle. We also sometimes get calls from people who tripped over a dog. Tripping cases are more difficult. It depends on why you tripped on the dog. If you just didn’t see the dog or lost your balance, you may not have a case. However, if the dog somehow got under you and caused you to trip, you might have a case. When you call our office, an experienced lawyer will help you work through these issues.
At the Rochlin Law Firm, our lawyers have helped hundreds of people injured by a dog. We make sure your medical bills are paid and you receive all appropriate compensation. Our cases involve going after the homeowners insurance of the dog owner. Even if the dog owner is a family member or friend, insurance compensation in these situations often makes sense.
Our lawyers handle dog bite and injured by dog cases throughout Minnesota. We have multiple meeting locations in the Twin Cities. In addition, we will come to your home anywhere in MN or meet over Zoom. The initial consultation is free. We will answer your questions and explain your rights. Also, we never charge anything unless you receive compensation.