Our lawyers represent mail carriers bitten by a dog in Minnesota. Fortunately, in most cases the injury is limited to puncture wounds. However, sometimes the dog bite is more serious. For example, we had one recent case where a dog bit off part of a mail carrier’s finger. In other cases, the dog jumps on the letter carrier, who is then injured by falling.
It is very frustrating and irresponsible that the dog owner or homeowner doesn’t keep their dog contained. Particularly when they know the mail has is coming. Our dog bite lawyers hold the dog owner accountable to pay compensation in these situations.
One of our best dog bite lawyers recently came across this article from the U.S. Post Office about dogs biting letter carriers.
An event at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, will include letter carriers recounting their dog attacks and feature pit bull therapy dog Elle. Elle is the American Humane Association’s Hero Dog of the Year. Veterinarians and representatives of the medical community will provide tips on dog attack prevention and responsible pet ownership. In addition, representatives from the insurance industry will discuss dog bite claims and homeowner liability. Internationally renowned dog trainer Victoria Stilwell and Kelly Voigt, a dog attack victim, will join in a dog safety demonstration.
“There’s a myth we often hear at the Postal Service,” said Postal Service Manager of Safety Linda DeCarlo. “Don’t worry, my dog won’t bite.” Of course, dog attacks are a nationwide issue and not just a postal problem. Any dog can bite, and all attacks are preventable by a responsible dog owner.

Nationwide, 5,581 postal employees were attacked last year. Further, of the 4.5 million Americans bitten by dogs annually, half are children, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The U.S. Postal Service, the medical community, veterinarians and the insurance industry are working together to educate the public. They have declared May 18-24 as National Dog Bite Prevention Week.
DeCarlo encourages the news media to share the following tips when reporting on this critical issue.
- If a letter carrier delivers mail or packages to your front door, place your dog into a separate room. Then, close the door before opening the front door. Dogs have been known to burst through screen doors or plate-glass windows to get at strangers.
- Dog owners should remind their children about the need to keep the family dog secured. In addition, parents should remind their children not to take mail directly from a postal worker in the presence of the family dog. The dog may see handing mail to a child as a threatening gesture.
- The Postal Service places the safety of its employees as a top priority. Therefore, if a letter carrier feels threatened by a vicious dog or if a dog is running loose, the owner may be asked to pick up the mail at the Post Office. This will continue until the carrier is assured the pet has been restrained. In addition, if a dog is roaming the neighborhood, the neighbors may be asked to pick up their mail at the Post Office as well.
Pam Rochlin and David Rochlin are personal injury lawyers in MN with 25 years’ experience. Our attorneys have helped hundreds of people get full and fair compensation after a dog bite attack. Our top attorneys handle many dog bite cases each year. For example, a letter carrier bit by a dog or injured by a dog, children, and other workers bitten or attacked by a dog. An experienced dog bite lawyer in Minnesota is important to help deal with complicated insurance issues. We make sure you are fully compensated for the injury, including scars and future treatment.
If you are a mail carrier or other delivery person and have been bitten by a dog in MN and would like to speak with an attorney, you can meet us at our offices in Edina Minnesota, Minneapolis, St. Louis Park, or Woodbury. One of our best dog bite lawyers can also meet you at your home in St. Paul MN, Roseville, Forest Lake, Roseville MN, Brooklyn Park, and Brooklyn Center. Also, Lino Lakes, Anoka MN, Maple Grove, Plymouth, Rogers, Chanhassen, Chaska, Apple Valley, Richfield MN, Bloomington MN, Lakeville, Burnsville, and other cities throughout Minnesota.
Our dog bite dog attack attorneys will provide you with a free consultation and answer your questions. Further, we never charge anything unless you are compensated.