Over the last 25 years, our dog bite lawyers have represented hundreds of people attacked by a dog in Minneapolis. Probably half of those cases involve children and a bite to the face. Usually it is a neighbor dog or a family member’s dog that bites. However, we have also represented many adults bitten by a dog in Minneapolis, including postal workers, other delivery workers, etc.

The injury from a dog bite can be as simple as a puncture wound that only leaves a small scar. However, it can also be as serious as the amputation of a finger or ear. Our attorneys have had cases where there is serious damage to our client’s nose from a dog bite. Also, damage to an eye, and other body parts. For a Minneapolis dog attack or dog bite, Minneapolis Animal Control will identify the dog owner and take appropriate action. They usually make sure the dog is put down or controlled in the future.
In addition, if the dog owner owns their Minneapolis home, they will usually have homeowner’s insurance. The dog owner’s insurance will pay for the medical bills and future medical bills from the dog bite. Insurance will also pay additional compensation to the person who was bitten. Renters sometimes have renters’ insurance that will apply the same way.
The primary focus of our top dog bite attorneys is to make sure our clients get the insurance compensation they should. We handle dog bite cases in Minneapolis and throughout Minnesota. If you or a family member have been bitten or attacked by a dog in Minneapolis, call us and speak with a top lawyer for a free consultation. Our attorneys have more than 25 years’ experience successfully representing hundreds of people injured by a dog. The injury can be from being bitten or any other way. We never charge anything unless you receive compensation for the dog bite. We are also successful with car accident and other injury cases in Minneapolis.