Plastic Reconstructive Surgery After Dog Bite Attack MN Lawyer


Our lawyers represent people in Minnesota who have been bitten by a dog. In many cases, it is a dog bite to the face. Plastic surgery after a dog bite is often required. We have worked on cases where the dog bite takes a significant portion of the nose off of the face. Likewise, our best dog bite lawyer MN represents people who have lost most of their ear because of a dog bite. Many times, the dog bite is to the cheek, and sometimes the dog will have even bitten into or around the eye, causing vision loss. In other words, a dog bite or attack can result in a very serious, life changing injury.

Many of the dog bite cases our lawyers work on require plastic or reconstructive surgery to improve the scar or reconstruct the nose or ear. It is amazing to see the improvement that can be made by a good plastic or reconstructive surgeon. However, there is significant cost to reconstructive surgery or plastic surgery for a dog bite. A top dog bite attorney will make sure the cost of the plastic reconstructive surgery is paid by the dog owner‘s insurance.

Of course, someone bitten in the face by the dog will still never be the same. The plastic surgery will greatly improve the person’s appearance, but it won’t put them back to where they were before. Even after the surgery, there will be permanent scars because of the dog bite. As a result, significant compensation from the dog owner’s homeowner insurance may be appropriate.

Dog Bite Plastic Surgery MN Lawyer
Dog Bite Plastic Surgery MN Lawyer


If you or a family member have been bitten or attacked by a dog in Minnesota, call us to speak with an attorney for a free consultation. Our dog bite lawyers represent many people with serious dog bite scars and facial disfigurement. We will advise you of your rights and answer your questions.

Our attorneys make sure you are fairly and completely compensated by the dog owner’s insurance company. This includes payment for the plastic surgery and compensation for any permanent scars. Our attorneys make sure the insurance company of the dog owner pays medical bills, lost wages, future treatment and more.

We have offices where you can meet with a top dog bite lawyer in Edina, Minneapolis, Woodbury, and St. Louis Park. Our dog attack attorneys also will come to your home in St. Paul, Apple Valley, Roseville, and Burnsville. In addition, we come to Albert Lea, Mankato, Rochester, Duluth, Maple Grove, Plymouth, and other cities throughout Minnesota.