Our truck accident lawyers represent people hit by a garbage truck while walking on the street. In fact, we have had a suprising number of garbage truck cases. Usually, the truck backs into someone. However, sometimes the garbage truck will sideswipe a person walking or even run them over. Unfortunately, when a garbage truck hits a pedestrian, the person will be seriously injured or killed.

When a garbage truck hits and kills a pedestrian, multiple law enforcement agencies will respond. First, will be the local police and county sheriff. In addition, the Minnesota State Patrol conducts an accident reconstruction to determine if the garbage truck driver or the pedestrian was at fault.
Usually, the State Patrol will examine the garbage truck to make sure it was fully functional and compliant with all regulations. This is part of the protocol with commercial vehicles. The reason, of course, is that commercial vehicles cause more serious damage because of their size and weight. In addition, they often cut corners to focus on profit. Then, the investigators will try to determine if there was any reason the truck driver couldn’t see the person on the street. For example, they will conduct field of vision tests.
Our truck accident lawyers handle death cases throughout Minnesota. If your loved one was killed in an accident caused by a garbage truck, call us for a free consultation with an attorney. Our lawyers have more than 25 years’ experience successfully representing people to get them compensation for their loss.
We will make sure your family receives all appropriate compensation. When you call us for a free consultation with a lawyer, we will explain the insurance issues and make sure your rights are protected. This starts with suing the garbage truck company. Further, we never charge anything unless you receive compensation for your injuries.