Minnesota Law provides strict liability against the owner of a dog that bites or injures another person. That means if you are bitten by a dog or injured by a dog, the owner is responsible for medical bills and other compensation. The only exceptions are if you were trespassing on the property, or you provoked the dog. Our dog bite lawyers handle these cases every day.
A dog ‘owner’ includes anyone ‘harboring’ or ‘keeping’ a dog. However, harboring or keeping a dog has been interpreted somewhat narrowly by Minnesota courts. In general, MN courts agree that it means something more than feeding a stray dog or the causal presence of a dog on someone’s premises. Harboring means the dog is at least temporarily living with you and you are caring for it. Keeping a dog implies more than harboring of the dog for a limited purpose or time.
Harboring means to afford lodging, to shelter or to give refuge to a dog for a limited purpose or time. Keeping means to undertake to manage, control or care for the dog as a dog owner would. In other words, a keeper acts as if he or she is the owner but without legal ownership of a dog. Keeping requires more than the mere harboring of a dog, or harboring itself would simply be the same as keeping. Our dog bite attorneys have wrestled with this MN law many times.

What about landlords? Is a landlord responsible for dogs on their property? MN courts have stated that the landlord is not responsible unless there is evidence that a landlord has control over a tenant’s dog. If a tenant’s dog bites or attacks someone, the landlord is not responsible in most situations. If the renter has his own key to his room and keeps the dog there, the landlord is not responsible even if he they live in the same house.
However, a landlord is different than a homeowner who has a guest staying at his house. MN courts have held that a homeowner could be a harborer if he has a guest with a dog staying at the house. So, the homeowner would be responsible for a guest’s dog that bit or injured someone, although the dog owner would still have primary responsibility. Our dog bite lawyers have handled many cases like this.
A veterinarian is a keeper of a dog and could be liable if the dog bites or injures someone else at the vet clinic. A person dog-sitting or who otherwise voluntarily assumes the responsibility to care for the dog is keeping the dog and is responsible as well. A groomer is a keeper of the dog and also has liability if a dog bites or injures someone while at the groomer’s shop.
If you suffer a dog bite or are injured by a dog in Minnesota, call our office for a free consultation. Our lawyers are experienced with dog bite cases and can explain the insurance issues to you. We will make sure you are fully compensated for your medical bills, scars, and any other injury. We have offices to meet you in Edina, Minneapolis, and Woodbury. A dog bite lawyer will also meet with you at your home in St. Paul, Roseville, Burnsville, Anoka, and Maple Grove. Also, Brooklyn Park, Richfield, and other cities throughout MN. See our DOG BITE page for more information.