After a car accident injury, how do I get repaid for my lost wages? Our car accident lawyers MN frequently get this question. If you are injured in a car crash, your doctor may take you off work for a period of time or give you limitations at work. If you have surgery because of your car accident injury, you could be off work for weeks or months. Fortunately, you can get some financial relief through your No-Fault automobile coverage.
The wage loss portion of your No Fault (or PIP) coverage will pay you 85% of your lost wages, up to $500 per week. You are entitled to this auto insurance coverage regardless of who caused the accident. In other words, you can receive No-Fault wage loss even if you caused the auto accident.

No Fault coverage is automatically part of your MN auto insurance policy. No Fault wage loss must be paid by YOUR insurance, even if the other driver was at fault in causing the accident. If you were driving your car without insurance, you cannot receive that benefit. However, you may still be able to eventually get the equivalent from the other driver if the other driver was at fault.
No-Fault lost income insurance comes from your own insurance. Even if you were a passenger in someone else’s car, No-Fault insurance coverage still comes from your own policy. However, if you don’t have your own car insurance, you will be covered by the insurance of the car you were in. There are a several other considerations as to whether there is No-Fault coverage available in a specific situation. Therefore, the best thing is to call an experienced car accident lawyer to discuss your specific situation. Sometimes our attorneys find insurance coverage in places that our client would not expect, so don’t assume you don’t have coverage.
In order to prove the amount of your wage loss, you will need a doctor’s note or medical records that show you were unable to work. The doctor must also agree that your injuries are from the car accident. Of course, you also need proof of your income from before the accident to show what you lost. Again, it is best to contact an experienced car accident lawyer in these situations. We will help you accumulate and present the necessary proof for reimbursement of your lost wages.
Finally, in addition to No Fault insurance to recover your lost income, you may also be able to recover wage loss from the other driver if the accident was the other driver’s fault. For example, the most you can receive from No Fault (PIP insurance) is 85% of your lost wages. But the other 15% can be recovered from the other driver if he was at fault. Again, this is something you should talk to one of our car accident lawyers about.
The Rochlin Law Firm is a personal injury firm that represents people who have been injured in car accidents in Minnesota. We have more than 25 years’ experience successfully making sure the insurance company fully compensates our clients for their injuries. Pam Rochlin is a past president of Minnesota Women Lawyers Association and is a former partner at Meshbesher & Spence. We provide personal attention to your case. You are welcome to call us for a free consultation. A top lawyer will answer your car accident questions and make sure you get the compensation for your injuries that you are entitled to.