Injury Lawyers – How To Talk To Doctor


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Injured In Accident Doctor Visit

Our lawyers exclusively handle injury cases. Of course, that means many of our clients have regular interaction with doctors and other providers. Doctors make notes ‘chart notes’ of every patient appointment. When we work to prove our client’s case, the doctors’ notes and opinions are often crucial.

People sometimes think that our lawyers spend most of our time proving who caused the accident.It is true that who caused the accident is the first issue we have to deal with.However, in most cases, we spend more time proving the extent of our clients’ injuries. The insurance companies like to say everything was a ‘preexisting condition.’ That means, it wasn’t the accident that caused the injury, you already had the condition. If that doesn’t work, they argue you are not that injured or you will get better soon.

Proving the cause and extent of an injury is complicated. When our attorneys prove who caused an accident, we may have witnesses, or video footage, or scientific calculations. Those things are mostly black and white. For example, a witness may have seen the other driver run the red light, or a video camera may have recorded the accident. Unfortunately, things are not so clear with the cause of a medical condition. What if you have neck pain but you also had neck treatment before the accident? You may know it is different, but will others believe you?


Doctor opinions are often the most important proof we have in injury cases. Therefore, how you present to the doctor is very important.

As a starting point, you should always be truthful when meeting with a doctor. It is important the doctor have accurate information to treat you properly.It is also important for your case.

Another important thing is to be complete with your doctor. Your doctor will usually start the appointment by asking why you are there. Our lawyers recommend preparing before you meet with a doctor. You should do this for every appointment. Bring a written list of things you want to say to the doctor.This should include all of your symptoms, your medical history, and any questions you have. For serious injury cases, our attorneys often recommend you bring a friend or family member with you to the appointment.

For more information on how to talk to your doctor, click here.

If you have been injured in an accident, call us for a free consultation with a lawyer.Our attorneys have 25 years’ experience representing people across Minnesota.