What rights does a significant other have when their partner is killed in a car accident? Our car accident lawyers deal with the situation regularly. Unfortunately, the non-married partner’s right are often very limited.

Of course, the difficulty can start while your partner is in the hospital. In most cases, the hospital will only discuss health and life decisions with family members. That means the partner may be excluded from end of life decisions. Is that what the injured person would want? If it was a long-term relationship, probably not. To avoid this problem, a couple could have health care directives and other paperwork in place. Unfortunately, this is often not done – especially with younger couples.
The insurance issues for a not married partner after a fatal car accident are also complicated. It starts with life insurance. If there is life insurance, the insurance company will look to the named beneficiary. Likewise, with auto insurance, if there is no will, any compensation will likely go to the surviving family.
Our lawyers always hope that people will have made arrangements in advance. However, that is often not the case. Another complication arises if the the partners were not married but owned a house together. Hopefully, the family and significant other can work together to resolve these issues. Our car accident lawyers will recommend and work with an estate or probate lawyer to help with these issues as well.
If you have lost a loved one in a car accident that was not their fault, we can help. Our lawyers have over 25 years’ experience. We have handled hundreds of car accident cases throughout Minnesota. There are some situations where the non-married partner does have some rights. For example, a “dram shop” claim where a bar has overserved a drunk driver. In those cases, the significant other can have a claim against the bar. Also, funeral expenses can be reimbursed from auto insurance regardless of who paid them.
When you call our office, you will talk directly to an experienced car accident lawyer. We will answer your questions and explain your rights. You are going through a very tough time, so you need someone who understands the issues and can make it easier for you.