Our car accident lawyers represent people injured by a distracted teenage driver. The teen driver may have caused an accident with another car, injuring people in other vehicle or the teen driver’s car. Our Minnesota attorneys also handle many one car accident cases where the teen driver only injures passengers in the car he or she is driving.

Yahoo Parenting recently published an online article stating, “Distracted teen drivers are doing a whole lot more than texting behind the wheel. More than a quarter of teens admit that they occasionally change clothes and shoes while driving.” This is from the Journal of Transportation Safety and Security. And those teen drivers aren’t the only ones multi-tasking. (Nor are their Superman-style outfit switches the worst of what researchers say they are doing while driving.)
More than 1,000 teens were studied. Some said they also change contact lenses and put on makeup while driving. However, the percent of teens reporting that they text while driving came in lower than in past polls, at 40 percent.)
Our car accident lawyers have represented many people injured in an accident caused by a distracted teen driver.
The research team was surprised to find that students self-reported that they work on homework while driving. Previous research has demonstrated that glancing away from the road for more than about 2 seconds increases crash risk.
Distracted driving has serious consequences. Nearly 3,000 teens die each year in a car accident. Another 280,000 teenagers are treated at hospitals after vehicle crashes, per the CDC. Among teens, 11 percent of those fatal wrecks are caused by distracted driving. At the Rochlin Law Firm, our attorneys work on cases where teenage passengers in a car are injured or killed because of distracted driving by the teenage driver.
During that roughly half-hour class cited in the article, researchers tested the teens on multitasking. For example, writing down numbers while talking on the phone. This was just a scenario to demonstrate that having a distraction can really prevent you from doing basic tasks. The study found that after the test “students were slightly better at recognizing the risks of multitasking behind the wheel.” Older teenagers got the message more than their younger cohorts. They responded more positively.
Teaching teens the danger of divided attention while driving a car can make a difference. However, parents need to do their part too. “One thing that we should all be more cognizant of is that we are role models not just for our children, but for every passenger in our vehicle,” says Hurwitz. “Exhibiting good behaviors for passengers in our vehicles is something that each of us can do to promote safe driving.”
At the Rochlin Law Firm, our car accident lawyers have handled many cases where an accident was caused by a teenage driver. Usually, it’s because of distraction or inexperience. This includes single car crashes involving teenagers. If you are injured in a MN automobile accident where the other driver was a teenager, call our office and speak with an experienced attorney. The initial consultation is free.
Our top lawyers have more than 25 years’ experience. We have represented hundreds of people injured in a Minnesota auto accident. An attorney will advise you of your rights and make sure you get all the insurance compensation you are entitled to. This includes medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. If your teenager or child is a passenger in an automobile accident, there may be several levels of insurance available that our lawyers will explain to you.