Drunk Driving Accident Are Too Frequent
If you were hit head-on by a drunken driver, you are not the only one. Drunk driving is one of the leading causes of car accidents. In fact, 30 percent of Americans are involved in an alcohol-related crash at some time in their lives. Every year, our auto accident lawyers represent people injured by a drunk driver car crash in Minnesota, including head on collisions.
Car crashes and injuries caused by a drunk driver are inexcusable. Drunk driving is far worse than the driver inattention we see in most auto accident cases. Our car accident injury attorneys have had many cases where a drunken driver hit and injured our client at an intersection or the drunk driver rear ended our client. A head-on collision with a drunk driver can cause the worst injuries. Although, ironically, the drunk driver is often unharmed.

According to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 10,800 people were killed in alcohol-related crashes in one year. Many of those fatalities were because the drunk driver hit the other car head on. Of course, even more people are injured. In the study, more than half a million people were injured in crashes where police reported that one driver had been drinking. This is an average of one person injured approximately every 2 minutes. The drunk driver could have simply chosen not to drive. Not to mention, the bar should have cut him off as required by law and called a cab.
When a car accident is caused by a drunk driver, our lawyers focus is to make sure our clients are fully compensated for their injuries. This includes medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
Drunk Driving Laws in Minnesota
Minnesota law prohibits a person from driving while intoxicated. (This means a blood alcohol level of more than .08%). The MN Dram Shop Act also prohibits a liquor establishment from serving alcohol in certain circumstances. For example, a bar cannot sell alcohol without a license or serve alcohol to an underage person. Most importantly, it is illegal for the bar to serve a person who is obviously intoxicated. Minnesota law also prohibits any person from serving alcohol to someone under 21 years of age (Social Host Liability). Our best auto accident lawyers have represented many people in MN who were hit by a drunk driver. Our attorneys will sue the drunk driver and sometimes the bar as well.
Suing Drunk Driver and Bar That Overserved Them
The Rochlin Law Firm, Ltd. lawyers have successfully represented and fought for clients who have been hit head on by a drunk driver. When our client is injured in a drunk driver car accident, our attorneys strongly believe that the drunk driver, and if necessary the bar, should be held accountable. Our MN personal injury lawyers have considerable experience with these cases.
If you have been injured because a MN drunk driver hit you in a head-on accident, call us for a free consultation with a lawyer. Likewise, if one of your loved ones has been killed in a drunk driving car crash, we can help. An attorney can meet with you to discuss your drunk driver car accident case at our offices in Minneapolis, Woodbury, and Edina. Our attorneys will also meet with you at your home if you have been hit by a drunk driver in St. Paul MN, Forest Lake, Lake Elmo, Brooklyn Park, and Brooklyn Center. We also come to Anoka, Plymouth, Rogers, Chanhassen, Chaska, Burnsville, Richfield, and other cities throughout Minnesota.
For additional information on drunk driving accidents, see Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, www.madd.org.