It is impossible to know how much your case is worth immediately after you have been injured in an accident. First, an investigation into the cause of the accident must be completed to determine who was at fault. (The other person may admit they were at fault, but that doesn’t mean their insurance company will agree.) Second, the full extent of your injuries and treatment needs are usually not known until long after the accident. Our experienced lawyers can walk you through this process.

Generally, our accident injury lawyers have found five things that determine the value of your case. When you are injured in a Minnesota accident because of another person’s fault we look at: (1) the amount of your medical bills; (2) the amount of your expected future medical bills; (3) the amount of your lost income; (4) the amount of your expected future lost income and/or lost potential income; (5) compensation for your past and future pain and suffering. This includes the actual pain you have suffered and will suffer in the future. Also, scarring or disfigurement, inability to enjoy activities you previously participated in, and reduction in quality of life.
Basically, there is a direct correlation between the seriousness of the injury and what the case is worth for settlement or trial.
Therefore, the full value of your case usually cannot be determined until you have had time to treat and heal from your injury. Doctors also need time to diagnose what your future holds. In the end, an experienced personal injury attorney has handled many cases involving most types of injuries. Our experience gives us a good idea of what is an appropriate insurance settlement.
At our firm, our Minnesota lawyers carefully document your losses and fully research the medical issues. This helps us make sure you are fully compensated for your injury after an accident. We are in contact with your doctors to fully understand your prognosis. We also reach our to your family and friends about the effects the injury has had on your life. Our attorneys take this information in combination with other aspects of your case and present it to the insurance company or jury to get you the best possible result.