Motorcycle Accident Insurance Lawyer MN


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Medical Insurance Motorcycle Accident Injury

The grey skies are going to have to clear up eventually. When the weather does finally turn, we know our motorcycle loving friends will be putting on a happy face.(We’re referencing a song from an old movie.) Everyone is looking forward to getting back on their bikes.

Here is a quick tip from our experienced motorcycle accident attorneys: Before you get on your motorcycle, double check your insurance coverage.Unlike auto insurance, Minnesota law does not require motorcycle insurance policies to include medical payment coverage. This is a bad legislative decision in our view since you are more likely to incur medical bills if you are in a motorcycle accident than you would from a car accident.


Sincemedical coverage is not legally required in a motorcycle insurance policy, it often is not automatically included by the bike owner’s insurance company.You have to ask for it. However, medical coverage is great insurance for a biker to have, and not terribly expensive. A good insurance agent should at least offer and recommend it to his motorcycle customers. Then, the customers can decide for themselves.

Fortunately, if you are injured in a motorcycle accident, you will still have access to your health insurance. If the other driver is at fault you will also have a claim against their insurance.

But having coverage on your motorcycle policy for MN motorcycle accident medical bills is still preferrable. You will have less of a deductible and no co-pay up to the amount of your medical coverage. Of course, if you don’t have regular health insurance, then medical coverage on your motorcycle policy for injury treatment is crucial.

Our motorcycle accident attorneys recommend you at least look into motorcycle accident medical insurance before you get on your bike.Medical coverage for a motorcycle accident is not very expensive. Also, drive safely, watch out for cars, and spread sunshine all over the place.

For more information about motorcycle accidents click here, or call us for a free consultation. Our lawyers represent motorcycle accident injury cases throughout Minnesota.