Don’t Discuss Your Accident On Facebook



Our personal injury lawyers are often asked if it’s OK to discuss your accident case on Facebook or other social media. The answer, at least for a Minnesota accident, is no. Our attorneys warn clients to stay off social media during their case.

The insurance company for the other side is going to read your Facebook page, Instagram, and other social media. They look at what you write and the photos. Even if you have privacy settings in place, they are still going to get it at some point. So, don’t post about the accident or injuries on social media. Even your basic activities after the accident can be a problem. Whatever you write will be used against you, even if you think it will help you.

Facebook Social Media Will Be Used Against You In Court
Facebook Social Media Will Be Used Against You In Court


Even Facebook posts you think couldn’t possibly be used against you can be used against you. People frequently write about their activities on Facebook and Instagram, showing fun times, sometimes even exaggerating. Our accident lawyers have had several cases where our client was later questioned about Facebook posts about activities after the accident. Usually, the questions are along the lines of how could you have participated or enjoyed that activity if you are injured?

In other words, it’s not just discussion of the accident and injuries that can be a problem. Posts about activities after the accident are a problem too. If you go to court, those posts will be used to make the jury or judge doubt the seriousness of your accident injury.

Our attorneys warn people to not post on Facebook about needing money or not having money. An insurance company could use that to try to make the jury believe you are faking an injury to try to solve a money problem.

Discussions about relationships on Facebook could create a problem too. Our attorneys frequently have cases where a serious accident can interfere with people’s relationships. For example, the non-injured partner may have to pick up a lot of the slack from the injured partner. Anything you write on Facebook about your relationships, or your spouse or partner, can potentially be used against you. The insurance company and their lawyers will for sure at least try.

The bottom line is if you have been injured in an accident and are intending to seek legal compensation, you should either not post anything on Facebook and other social media, or at least seriously limit it.