Using Cell Phone While Driving Causes Auto Crash


Here is another video to share with your kids about using a phone while driving. Of course, it applies to adults too. Driving while using a cell phone is a serious hazard for everyone on the road and has resulted in many crashes and injuries. It is also against the law.

Many cars now have hands-free hookups, which helps somewhat. A hands free system is seen more like talking to a passenger, and it is legal in Minnesota. However, there are still risks.For example, when the driver initiates a call, there is often interaction with a control pad. Siri, or whatever system you have, often gets the initial instruction wrong.Then you have to straighten it out. It only takes a moment of distraction to cause a serious car accident.



Our auto accidents lawyers get many of our car crash cases because someone was on their cell phone while driving. Most car crashes where the other driver was on a cell phone are rear end accidents, where the driver is looking down when traffic stops or slows. The injuries from a rear end crash can be very serious.

There are significant consequences from these driving while using a cell phone accidents. Many of our clients end up with large medical bills.There is also missed time from work, and sometimes permanent disabilities.

If you are injured in a crash in MN because the other driver was on his cell phone, call us and speak with an attorney for a free consultation. We will advise you of your rights and make sure the other driver is held accountable. Our primary focus is to get you all the insurance compensation you are entitled to. There is no upfront charge, and we only get paid when you receive your settlement.